2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Namespace BattleSystem
Public Class BattleCalculation
2016-10-18 11:19:29 +02:00
Public Shared Function FieldEffectTurns ( ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen , ByVal own As Boolean , Optional ByVal moveName As String = " " ) As Integer
Dim turns As Integer = 5
Dim p As Pokemon
If own Then
p = BattleScreen . OwnPokemon
p = BattleScreen . OppPokemon
End If
Dim ability As String = p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( )
2016-10-19 06:11:42 +02:00
If p . Item IsNot Nothing AndAlso BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( own ) = True Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
Select Case p . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( )
2016-10-18 11:19:29 +02:00
Case " damp rock "
If ability = " drizzle " Or moveName = " rain dance " Then
turns = 8
End If
Case " heat rock "
If ability = " drought " Or moveName = " sunny day " Then
turns = 8
End If
Case " smooth rock "
If ability = " sand stream " Or moveName = " sandstorm " Then
turns = 8
End If
Case " icy rock "
If ability = " snow warning " Or moveName = " hail " Then
turns = 8
End If
Case " light clay "
If moveName = " light screen " Or moveName = " reflect " Then
turns = 8
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
Case " terrain extender "
If moveName = " electric terrain " Or moveName = " grassy terrain " Or moveName = " misty terrain " Or moveName = " psychic terrain " Then
turns = 8
ElseIf ability = " electric surge " Or ability = " grassy surge " Or ability = " misty surge " Or ability = " psychic surge " Then
turns = 8
End If
2016-10-18 11:19:29 +02:00
End Select
End If
Return turns
End Function
2016-09-25 05:18:07 +02:00
Public Shared Function MovesFirst ( ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen ) As Boolean
'Determine strike first with speed:
Dim ownSpeed As Integer = DetermineBattleSpeed ( True , BattleScreen )
Dim oppSpeed As Integer = DetermineBattleSpeed ( False , BattleScreen )
If ownSpeed > oppSpeed Then 'Faster than opponent
Return True
ElseIf ownSpeed < oppSpeed Then 'Slower than opponent
Return False
Else 'Speed is equal, decide randomly
If Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 2 ) = 0 Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End If
End Function
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Public Shared Function AttackFirst ( ByVal ownAttack As Attack , ByVal oppAttack As Attack , ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen ) As Boolean
Dim ownPokemon As Pokemon = BattleScreen . OwnPokemon
Dim oppPokemon As Pokemon = BattleScreen . OppPokemon
Dim ownPriority As Integer = ownAttack . Priority
Dim oppPriority As Integer = oppAttack . Priority
If ownPokemon . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " prankster " Then
2016-09-14 10:24:44 +02:00
If ownAttack . Category = Attack . Categories . Status Then
ownPriority += 1
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
If oppPokemon . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " prankster " Then
2016-09-14 10:24:44 +02:00
If oppAttack . Category = Attack . Categories . Status Then
oppPriority += 1
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
2018-08-05 03:40:06 +02:00
'Added condition to check for full HP
2018-08-16 23:57:27 +02:00
If ownPokemon . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " gale wings " And ownAttack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Flying And ownPokemon . HP = ownPokemon . MaxHP Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
ownPriority += 1
End If
2018-08-16 23:57:27 +02:00
If oppPokemon . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " gale wings " And oppAttack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Flying And oppPokemon . HP = oppPokemon . MaxHP Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
oppPriority += 1
End If
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnCustapBerry > 0 Then
ownPriority += 1
BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnCustapBerry = 0
End If
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppCustapBerry > 0 Then
oppPriority += 1
BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppCustapBerry = 0
End If
'If the priority of your attack is higher, then attack first:
If ownPriority > oppPriority Then
Return True
ElseIf oppPriority > ownPriority Then 'Same thing for opp's attack
Return False
Else 'Same priority
'Quickclaw's 20% chance of hitting first:
Dim Claw As Integer = 0
If Not ownPokemon . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( True ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( True , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If ownPokemon . Item . ID = 73 Then
If Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 100 ) < 20 Then
Claw += 1 'Own claw succeeded
End If
End If
End If
If Not oppPokemon . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( False ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( False , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If oppPokemon . Item . ID = 73 Then
If Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 100 ) < 20 Then
Claw += 10 'Opp's claw succeeded
End If
End If
End If
Select Case Claw
Case 1 'You succeed claw
Return True
Case 10 'Opp succeed claw
Return False
Case 11 'Both succeed claw, decide randomly
If Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 2 ) = 0 Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Select
Dim Tail As Integer = 0 'Uses effect of Lagging Tail
If Not ownPokemon . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( True ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( True , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If ownPokemon . Item . Name = " Lagging Tail " Then
Tail += 1
End If
End If
If Not oppPokemon . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( False ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( False , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If oppPokemon . Item . Name = " Lagging Tail " Then
Tail += 10
End If
End If
Select Case Tail
Case 1
Return False 'Your laggin tail effect works > You go last
Case 10
Return True 'Opponents lagging tail effect works > He goes last
Case 11
If Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 2 ) = 0 Then 'Both laggin Tail works. > Random determination.
Return True
Return False
End If
End Select
2016-09-23 16:24:59 +02:00
Dim Full As Integer = 0 'Uses effect of Full Incense
If Not ownPokemon . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( True ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( True , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If ownPokemon . Item . Name = " Full Incense " Then
Full += 1
End If
End If
If Not oppPokemon . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( False ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( False , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If oppPokemon . Item . Name = " Full Incense " Then
Full += 10
End If
End If
2016-09-23 17:55:10 +02:00
Select Case Full
2016-09-23 16:24:59 +02:00
Case 1
Return False 'Your Full incense effect works > You go last
Case 10
Return True 'Opponents full incense effect works > He goes last
Case 11
If Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 2 ) = 0 Then 'Both full incense works. > Random determination.
Return True
Return False
End If
End Select
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If ownPokemon . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " stall " And oppPokemon . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " stall " Then
Return False
End If
If oppPokemon . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " stall " And ownPokemon . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " stall " Then
Return True
End If
2016-10-05 09:00:18 +02:00
Dim _first As Boolean = False
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
'Determine strike first with speed:
Dim ownSpeed As Integer = DetermineBattleSpeed ( True , BattleScreen )
Dim oppSpeed As Integer = DetermineBattleSpeed ( False , BattleScreen )
If ownSpeed > oppSpeed Then 'Faster than opponent
2016-10-05 09:00:18 +02:00
_first = True
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
ElseIf ownSpeed < oppSpeed Then 'Slower than opponent
2016-10-05 09:00:18 +02:00
_first = False
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Else 'Speed is equal, decide randomly
If Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 2 ) = 0 Then
2016-10-05 09:00:18 +02:00
_first = True
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
2016-10-05 09:00:18 +02:00
_first = False
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
End If
2016-10-05 09:00:18 +02:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . TrickRoom > 0 Then
_first = Not _first
End If
Return _first
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
End Function
Public Shared Function DetermineBattleSpeed ( ByVal own As Boolean , ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen ) As Integer
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen . OwnPokemon
If own = False Then
p = BattleScreen . OppPokemon
End If
Dim speed As Integer = CInt ( p . Speed * GetMultiplierFromStat ( p . StatSpeed ) ) 'Calculate the speed's basic value from the speed and the speed stat
If own = True Then
2016-10-18 09:16:14 +02:00
If BattleScreen . IsPVPBattle = False Then
If Core . Player . Badges . Contains ( 3 ) = True Then
2016-09-10 09:26:22 +02:00
speed = CInt ( speed + ( speed * ( 1 / 8 ) ) ) 'Add 1/8 of the speed if the player has the 3rd badge and it's not a PvP battle
End If
2016-10-18 09:16:14 +02:00
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
2018-02-21 16:34:06 +01:00
If p . Status = P3D . Pokemon . StatusProblems . Paralyzed And p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " quick feet " Then
2018-08-05 03:40:06 +02:00
speed = CInt ( speed / 2 ) 'Divide the speed by 2 (gen 7 standards) if the Pokemon is paralyzed.
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
If Not p . Item Is Nothing Then
If p . Item . Name = " Choice Scarf " Then
speed = CInt ( speed * 1 . 5F )
End If
Dim SlowDownItems As List ( Of String ) = { " iron ball " , " macho brace " , " power bracer " , " power belt " , " power lens " , " power band " , " power anklet " , " power weight " } . ToList ( )
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
If SlowDownItems . Contains ( p . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( ) ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( own ) = True Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
speed = CInt ( speed / 2 )
End If
If own = True Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnTailWind > 0 Then
speed *= 2
End If
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTailWind > 0 Then
speed *= 2
End If
End If
If p . Number = 132 Then
If Not p . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( own ) = True Then
If p . Item . Name = " Quick Powder " Then
speed *= 2
End If
End If
End If
End If
Select Case p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( )
Case " swift swim "
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Rain Then
speed *= 2
End If
Case " chlorophyll "
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Sunny Then
speed *= 2
End If
Case " sand rush "
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Sandstorm Then
speed *= 2
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
Case " slush rush "
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Hailstorm Then
speed *= 2
End If
Case " surge surfer "
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . ElectricTerrain > 0 Then
speed *= 2
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Select
Dim grassPledge As Integer = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppGrassPledge
If own = False Then
grassPledge = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnGrassPledge
End If
If grassPledge > 0 Then
speed = CInt ( speed / 2 )
End If
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " quick feet " Then
If p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Paralyzed Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Burn Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Poison Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Sleep Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Freeze Then
speed = CInt ( speed * 1 . 5F )
End If
End If
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " slow start " Then
If own = True Then
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnPokemonTurns < 5 Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
speed = CInt ( speed / 2 )
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppPokemonTurns < 5 Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
speed = CInt ( speed / 2 )
End If
End If
End If
speed = speed . Clamp ( 1 , 999 )
Return speed
End Function
2018-12-22 21:25:36 +01:00
Public Shared Function DetermineBattleAttack ( ByVal own As Boolean , ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen ) As Integer
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen . OwnPokemon
If own = False Then
p = BattleScreen . OppPokemon
End If
Dim attack As Integer = CInt ( p . Attack * GetMultiplierFromStat ( p . StatAttack ) ) 'Calculate the attack's basic value
If own = True Then
If BattleScreen . IsPVPBattle = False Then
If Core . Player . Badges . Contains ( 1 ) = True Then
attack = CInt ( attack + ( attack * ( 1 / 8 ) ) ) 'Add 1/8 of the attack if the player has the 1st badge and it's not a PvP battle
End If
End If
End If
If p . Status = P3D . Pokemon . StatusProblems . Burn And p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " guts " Then
attack = CInt ( attack / 2 )
End If
If Not p . Item Is Nothing Then
If p . Item . Name = " Choice Band " Then
attack = CInt ( attack * 1 . 5F )
End If
If p . Number = 25 Then
If Not p . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( own ) = True Then
If p . Item . Name = " Light Ball " Then
attack *= 2
End If
End If
End If
If p . Number = 104 OrElse p . Number = 105 Then
If Not p . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( own ) = True Then
If p . Item . Name = " Thick Club " Then
attack *= 2
End If
End If
End If
End If
Select Case p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( )
Case " huge power "
attack *= 2
Case " pure power "
attack *= 2
Case " defeatist "
If p . HP / p . MaxHP <= 0 . 5 Then
attack = CInt ( attack / 2 )
End If
Case " hustle "
attack = CInt ( attack * 1 . 5F )
Case " flower gift "
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Sunny Then
attack = CInt ( attack * 1 . 5F )
End If
End Select
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " guts " Then
If p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Paralyzed Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Burn Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Poison Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Sleep Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Freeze Then
attack = CInt ( attack * 1 . 5F )
End If
End If
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " slow start " Then
If own = True Then
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnPokemonTurns < 5 Then
2018-12-22 21:25:36 +01:00
attack = CInt ( attack / 2 )
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppPokemonTurns < 5 Then
2018-12-22 21:25:36 +01:00
attack = CInt ( attack / 2 )
End If
End If
End If
attack = attack . Clamp ( 1 , 999 )
Return attack
End Function
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
''' <summary>
''' Outcome: 0=true/>1=false:1=sleeptalk/snore 2=other move 3=start sleep 4=X wont obey 5=X wont obey 6=X turned away 7=X is loafing around 8=X pretended to not notice
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function ObedienceCheck ( ByVal UsedAttack As Attack , BattleScreen As BattleScreen ) As Integer
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen . OwnPokemon
If p . OT = Core . Player . OT Then
Return 0
End If
If BattleScreen . IsPVPBattle = True Then
Return 0
End If
Dim badgeLevel As Integer = Badge . GetLevelCap ( )
If badgeLevel > - 1 And p . Level > badgeLevel And p . OT <> Core . Player . OT Then
Dim r As Integer = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 256 )
Dim A As Integer = CInt ( ( p . Level + badgeLevel * r ) / 256 )
If A < badgeLevel Then
Return 0
BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnRageCounter = 0
Dim outcome As Integer = 0
If UsedAttack . Name . ToLower ( ) = " snore " Or UsedAttack . Name . ToLower ( ) = " sleep talk " Then
Return 1
r = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 256 )
Dim B As Integer = CInt ( ( p . Level + badgeLevel ) * r / 256 )
If B < badgeLevel Then
Return 2
Dim C As Integer = p . Level - badgeLevel
r = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 256 )
Dim uproar As Integer = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnUproar
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " insomnia " And p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " vital spirit " And uproar = 0 Then
If r < C Then
Return 3
End If
If r - C < C Then
Return 4
Return 4 + Core . Random . Next ( 1 , 5 )
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return 0
End If
Return 0
End Function
Public Shared Function AccuracyCheck ( ByVal UsedAttack As Attack , ByVal own As Boolean , ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen ) As Boolean
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen . OwnPokemon
Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen . OppPokemon
If own = False Then
p = BattleScreen . OppPokemon
op = BattleScreen . OwnPokemon
End If
If UsedAttack . Accuracy <= 0 Then
Return True
End If
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " no guard " Or op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " no guard " Then
Return True
End If
2018-12-22 21:02:02 +01:00
If UsedAttack . GetUseAccEvasion ( own , BattleScreen ) = False Then
Return True
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim result As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim INIT As Integer = UsedAttack . GetAccuracy ( own , BattleScreen )
If op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " wonder skin " And UsedAttack . Category = Attack . Categories . Status And UsedAttack . GetAccuracy ( own , BattleScreen ) > 0 And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseAbility ( Not own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
INIT = 50
End If
If INIT < 0 Then
INIT = 1
End If
Dim evasion As Integer = op . Evasion
Dim accuracy As Integer = p . Accuracy
If UsedAttack . UseOppEvasion = False Then
evasion = 0
End If
Dim ACC As Integer = accuracy - evasion
ACC = ACC . Clamp ( - 6 , 6 )
2016-09-18 00:30:33 +02:00
Dim ACCM As Single = GetMultiplierFromAccEvasion ( ACC )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
result = INIT * ACCM
If Not op . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( Not own ) = True Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
If op . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( ) = " bright powder " Or op . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( ) = " lax incense " Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
result *= 0 . 9F
End If
End If
If Not p . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( own ) = True Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
Select Case p . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Case " wide lens "
result *= 1 . 1F
Case " zoom lens "
Dim ownTurns As Integer = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnTurnCounts
Dim oppTurns As Integer = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTurnCounts
If own = False Then
ownTurns = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTurnCounts
oppTurns = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnTurnCounts
End If
If ownTurns < oppTurns Then
result *= 1 . 2F
End If
End Select
End If
Select Case p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( )
Case " compoundeyes "
result *= 1 . 3F
Case " victory star "
result *= 1 . 1F
Case " hustle "
If UsedAttack . Category = Attack . Categories . Physical Then
result *= 0 . 8F
End If
End Select
Select Case op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( )
Case " sand veil "
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseAbility ( Not own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Sandstorm Then
result *= 0 . 8F
End If
End If
Case " snow cloak "
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseAbility ( Not own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Hailstorm Then
result *= 0 . 8F
End If
End If
Case " tangled feet "
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseAbility ( Not own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If op . HasVolatileStatus ( Pokemon . VolatileStatus . Confusion ) = True Then
result *= 0 . 5F
End If
End If
End Select
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Foggy Then
result *= 0 . 6F
End If
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Gravity > 0 Then
result *= CSng ( 10 / 6 )
End If
Dim F As Integer = CInt ( result ) . Clamp ( 0 , 100 )
Dim R As Integer = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 100 )
If R < F Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
Public Shared Function IsCriticalHit ( ByVal UsedAttack As Attack , ByVal own As Boolean , ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen ) As Boolean
Dim C As Integer = 0
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen . OwnPokemon
Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen . OppPokemon
If own = False Then
p = BattleScreen . OppPokemon
op = BattleScreen . OwnPokemon
End If
If UsedAttack . CriticalChance < 1 Then
Return False
End If
If op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " battle armor " Or op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " shell armor " Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseAbility ( Not own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
Return False
End If
End If
Dim luckyChant As Integer = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppLuckyChant
If own = False Then
luckyChant = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnLuckyChant
End If
If luckyChant > 0 Then
Return False
End If
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " super luck " Then
C += 1
End If
Dim focusEnergy As Integer = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnFocusEnergy
If own = False Then
focusEnergy = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppFocusEnergy
End If
If focusEnergy > 0 Then
C += 2
End If
If UsedAttack . CriticalChance > 1 Then
C += 1
End If
Dim lansat As Integer = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnLansatBerry
If own = False Then
lansat = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppLansatBerry
End If
If lansat > 0 Then
C += 2
End If
If Not p . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( own ) = True Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
Select Case p . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Case " lucky punch "
If p . Number = 113 Then
C += 2
End If
2020-04-10 05:07:57 +02:00
Case " leek "
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If p . Number = 83 Then
C += 2
End If
Case " scope lens "
C += 1
Case " razor claw "
C += 1
End Select
End If
Dim chance As Integer = 16
Select Case C
Case 0
chance = 16
Case 1
chance = 8
Case 2
chance = 4
Case 3
chance = 3
Case Else
chance = 2
End Select
If Core . Random . Next ( 0 , chance ) = 0 Then
Return True
End If
2018-12-22 21:02:02 +01:00
If UsedAttack . ID = 524 Then 'frost breath
2016-09-17 21:50:46 +02:00
Return True
End If
2018-12-22 21:02:02 +01:00
If UsedAttack . ID = 480 Then 'storm throw
2018-10-22 04:10:27 +02:00
Return True
End If
2016-10-18 09:16:14 +02:00
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Return False
End Function
2023-01-18 20:13:04 +01:00
Public Shared Function CanRun ( ByVal own As Boolean , ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen , Optional ByVal IsEscapeMove As Boolean = False ) As Boolean
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If BattleScreen . BattleMode = BattleScreen . BattleModes . Safari Then
Return True
End If
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen . OwnPokemon
Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen . OppPokemon
If own = False Then
p = BattleScreen . OppPokemon
op = BattleScreen . OwnPokemon
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If p . Type1 . Type = Element . Types . Ghost Or p . Type2 . Type = Element . Types . Ghost Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Return True
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " run away " Then
Return True
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If Not p . Item Is Nothing Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
If p . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( ) = " smoke ball " And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( own ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
Return True
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " shadow tag " And p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " shadow tag " And op . HP > 0 Then
Return False
End If
If op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " arena trap " And op . HP > 0 And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . IsGrounded ( own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
Return False
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " magnet pull " And op . HP > 0 Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If p . Type1 . Type = Element . Types . Steel Or p . Type2 . Type = Element . Types . Steel Then
Return False
End If
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
With BattleScreen . FieldEffects
If own = True Then
If . OwnWrap > 0 Or . OwnBind > 0 Or . OwnClamp > 0 Or . OwnFireSpin > 0 Or . OwnMagmaStorm > 0 Or . OwnSandTomb > 0 Or . OwnWhirlpool > 0 Or . OwnInfestation > 0 Then
Return False
End If
If . OppWrap > 0 Or . OppBind > 0 Or . OppClamp > 0 Or . OppFireSpin > 0 Or . OppMagmaStorm > 0 Or . OppSandTomb > 0 Or . OppWhirlpool > 0 Or . OppInfestation > 0 Then
Return False
End If
End If
End With
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim ingrain As Integer = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnIngrain
If own = False Then
ingrain = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppIngrain
End If
If ingrain > 0 Then
Return False
End If
2023-01-18 20:13:04 +01:00
If IsEscapeMove = True Then
Return True
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If p . Speed > op . Speed Then
Return True
Dim A As Integer = p . Speed
Dim B As Integer = op . Speed
If B = 0 Then
B = 1
End If
Dim C As Integer = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . RunTries
Dim X As Integer = ( CInt ( A * 128 / B ) + ( 30 * C ) ) Mod 256
Dim R As Integer = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 256 )
If R < X Then
Return True
BattleScreen . FieldEffects . RunTries += 1
Return False
End If
End If
End Function
Public Shared Function CalculateEffectiveness ( ByVal move As Attack , ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen , ByVal p As Pokemon , ByVal op As Pokemon , ByVal own As Boolean ) As Single
Dim Type1 As Single = ReverseTypeEffectiveness ( Element . GetElementMultiplier ( move . GetAttackType ( own , BattleScreen ) , op . Type1 ) )
Dim Type2 As Single = ReverseTypeEffectiveness ( Element . GetElementMultiplier ( move . GetAttackType ( own , BattleScreen ) , op . Type2 ) )
Dim effectiveness As Single = Type1 * Type2
2016-09-14 10:59:41 +02:00
'Freeze Dry
2016-10-18 09:16:14 +02:00
If move . ID = 573 Then
2016-09-14 11:50:08 +02:00
If op . Type1 . Type = Element . Types . Water Or op . Type2 . Type = Element . Types . Water Then
2016-09-14 10:59:41 +02:00
effectiveness *= 4
End If
End If
2016-10-05 09:00:18 +02:00
2018-10-26 10:03:33 +02:00
'Flying Press
If move . ID = 9999 Then
If op . Type1 . Type = Element . Types . Fighting Or op . Type2 . Type = Element . Types . Fighting Then
effectiveness *= 2
End If
If op . Type1 . Type = Element . Types . Grass Or op . Type2 . Type = Element . Types . Grass Then
effectiveness *= 2
End If
If op . Type1 . Type = Element . Types . Bug Or op . Type2 . Type = Element . Types . Bug Then
effectiveness *= 2
End If
If op . Type1 . Type = Element . Types . Rock Or op . Type2 . Type = Element . Types . Rock Then
effectiveness /= 2
End If
If op . Type1 . Type = Element . Types . Steel Or op . Type2 . Type = Element . Types . Steel Then
effectiveness /= 2
End If
If op . Type1 . Type = Element . Types . Electric Or op . Type2 . Type = Element . Types . Electric Then
effectiveness /= 2
End If
End If
2018-08-20 22:25:47 +02:00
'Sheer Cold
If move . ID = 329 Then
If op . IsType ( Element . Types . Ice ) Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
effectiveness = 0 . 0F
End If
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
Dim digHit As Boolean = False
Dim airHit As Boolean = False
Dim regHit As Boolean = False
2016-10-05 09:00:18 +02:00
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
'Grounded condition
If move . GetAttackType ( own , BattleScreen ) . Type = Element . Types . Ground And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . IsGrounded ( Not own , BattleScreen ) = False Then
Dim targetDig As Boolean = False
Dim targetAir As Boolean = False
With BattleScreen . FieldEffects
If own = True Then
If . OppDigCounter > 0 Then
targetDig = True
End If
If . OppFlyCounter > 0 Or . OppBounceCounter > 0 Or . OppSkyDropCounter > 0 Then
targetAir = True
End If
If . OwnDigCounter > 0 Then
targetDig = True
End If
If . OwnFlyCounter > 0 Or . OwnBounceCounter > 0 Or . OwnSkyDropCounter > 0 Then
targetAir = True
End If
2016-10-05 09:00:18 +02:00
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
End With
Select Case move . ID
Case 89 , 90 , 222 'Earthquake, Fissure, Magnitude
2016-10-05 09:00:18 +02:00
effectiveness = 0 . 0F
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If targetDig = True Then
digHit = True
End If
Case 614 'Thousand Arrows
airHit = True
If targetAir = True Then
If own = True Then
BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppFlyCounter = 0
BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppBounceCounter = 0
BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnFlyCounter = 0
BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnBounceCounter = 0
End If
End If
Case Else
effectiveness = 0 . 0F
End Select
ElseIf move . GetAttackType ( own , BattleScreen ) . Type = Element . Types . Ground And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . IsGrounded ( Not own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
regHit = True
End If
'Grounded hit effectiveness
If digHit = True Or airHit = True Or regHit = True Then
effectiveness = 1 . 0F
If op . IsType ( Element . Types . Electric ) Then
effectiveness *= 2
End If
If op . IsType ( Element . Types . Fire ) Then
effectiveness *= 2
End If
If op . IsType ( Element . Types . Poison ) Then
effectiveness *= 2
End If
If op . IsType ( Element . Types . Rock ) Then
effectiveness *= 2
End If
If op . IsType ( Element . Types . Steel ) Then
effectiveness *= 2
End If
If op . IsType ( Element . Types . Bug ) Then
effectiveness /= 2
End If
If op . IsType ( Element . Types . Grass ) Then
effectiveness /= 2
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
End If
If Not op . Item Is Nothing Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
If op . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( ) = " ring target " And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( Not own ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( Not own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If Type1 = 0 Then
effectiveness = Type2
End If
If Type2 = 0 Then
effectiveness = Type1
End If
If effectiveness = 0 Then
effectiveness = 1 . 0F
End If
End If
End If
If move . ImmunityAffected = False And effectiveness = 0 Then
If Type1 = 0 . 0F Then
effectiveness = Type2
End If
If Type2 = 0 . 0F Then
effectiveness = Type1
End If
If effectiveness = 0 . 0F Then
effectiveness = 1 . 0F
End If
End If
If op . IsType ( Element . Types . Ghost ) = True Then
2016-12-17 21:43:34 +01:00
Dim CanHitGhost = False
Dim Foresight As Integer = 0
Dim OdorSleuth As Integer = 0
If own Then
Foresight = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppForesight
OdorSleuth = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppOdorSleuth
Foresight = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnForesight
OdorSleuth = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnOdorSleuth
End If
If Foresight > 0 Or OdorSleuth > 0 Then
CanHitGhost = True
End If
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseAbility ( own , BattleScreen ) AndAlso p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " scrappy " Then
CanHitGhost = True
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
2016-12-17 21:43:34 +01:00
If CanHitGhost Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If move . Type . Type = Element . Types . Normal Or move . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fighting Then
If Type1 = 0 . 0F Then
effectiveness = Type2
End If
If Type2 = 0 . 0F Then
effectiveness = Type1
End If
If effectiveness = 0 . 0F Then
effectiveness = 1 . 0F
End If
End If
End If
End If
If op . IsType ( Element . Types . Dark ) = True Then
Dim miracleEye As Integer = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppMiracleEye
If own = False Then
miracleEye = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnMiracleEye
End If
If miracleEye > 0 Then
If move . Type . Type = Element . Types . Psychic Then
If Type1 = 0 . 0F Then
effectiveness = Type2
End If
If Type2 = 0 . 0F Then
effectiveness = Type1
End If
If effectiveness = 0 . 0F Then
effectiveness = 1 . 0F
End If
End If
End If
End If
2022-04-17 16:56:57 +02:00
With BattleScreen . FieldEffects
If move . GetAttackType ( own , BattleScreen ) . Type = Element . Types . Fire Then
If own = True Then
If . OppTarShot = True Then
effectiveness *= 2
End If
If . OwnTarShot = True Then
effectiveness *= 2
End If
End If
End If
End With
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If move . UseEffectiveness = False And effectiveness <> 0 . 0F Then
Return 1 . 0F
End If
Return effectiveness
End Function
Public Shared Function CalculateEffectiveness ( ByVal own As Boolean , ByVal move As Attack , ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen ) As Single
Dim p As Pokemon = BattleScreen . OwnPokemon
Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen . OppPokemon
If own = False Then
p = BattleScreen . OppPokemon
op = BattleScreen . OwnPokemon
End If
Return CalculateEffectiveness ( move , BattleScreen , p , op , own )
End Function
Public Shared Function GainExp ( ByVal p As Pokemon , ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen , ByVal PokemonList As List ( Of Integer ) ) As Integer
Dim op As Pokemon = BattleScreen . OppPokemon
Dim a As Double = 1D
If BattleScreen . IsTrainerBattle = True Then
a = 1 . 5D
End If
Dim b As Double = op . BaseExperience
Dim t As Double = 1D
If p . OT <> Core . Player . OT Then
t = 1 . 5D
End If
Dim e As Double = 1D
If Not p . Item Is Nothing Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
If p . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( ) = " lucky egg " Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
e = 1 . 5D
End If
End If
Dim L As Double = op . Level
Dim Lp As Double = p . Level
Dim s As Double = PokemonList . Count
Dim expShares As Integer = 0
For Each po As Pokemon In Core . Player . Pokemons
If Not po . Item Is Nothing Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
If po . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( ) = " exp. share " Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
expShares += 1
End If
End If
If expShares > 0 Then
If Not p . Item Is Nothing Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
If p . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( ) = " exp. share " Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
s = 2D
s = ( PokemonList . Count * 2D ) * expShares
End If
End If
End If
Dim EXP As Integer = CInt ( ( ( ( a * b * L ) / ( 5 * s ) ) * ( ( ( 2 * L + 10 ) ^ 2 . 5D ) / ( ( L + Lp + 10 ) ^ 2 . 5D ) ) + 1 ) * t * e * 1 )
If EXP < 2 Then
EXP = 2
End If
For Each mysteryEvent As MysteryEventScreen . MysteryEvent In MysteryEventScreen . ActivatedMysteryEvents
If mysteryEvent . EventType = MysteryEventScreen . EventTypes . EXPMultiplier Then
EXP = CInt ( EXP * CSng ( mysteryEvent . Value . Replace ( " . " , GameController . DecSeparator ) ) )
End If
Return EXP
End Function
Public Shared Function SafariRound ( ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen ) As Battle . RoundConst
If BattleScreen . PokemonSafariStatus > 0 Then
BattleScreen . PokemonSafariStatus -= 1
ElseIf BattleScreen . PokemonSafariStatus < 0 Then
BattleScreen . PokemonSafariStatus += 1
End If
Dim flee As Boolean = False
Dim X As Single = BattleScreen . OppPokemon . Speed Mod 256
X *= 2
If X > 255 Then
flee = True
End If
If flee = False Then
If BattleScreen . PokemonSafariStatus < 0 Then
X *= 2
ElseIf BattleScreen . PokemonSafariStatus > 0 Then
X /= 4
End If
End If
Dim R As Integer = Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 256 )
If R < X Then
flee = True
End If
If flee = True And CanSwitch ( BattleScreen , False ) = True Then
Return New Battle . RoundConst ( ) With { . StepType = Battle . RoundConst . StepTypes . Flee , . Argument = BattleScreen . OppPokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " fled! " }
If BattleScreen . PokemonSafariStatus < 0 Then
Return New Battle . RoundConst ( ) With { . StepType = Battle . RoundConst . StepTypes . Text , . Argument = BattleScreen . OppPokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " is angry! " }
ElseIf BattleScreen . PokemonSafariStatus > 0 Then
Return New Battle . RoundConst ( ) With { . StepType = Battle . RoundConst . StepTypes . Text , . Argument = BattleScreen . OppPokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " is eating! " }
Return New Battle . RoundConst ( ) With { . StepType = Battle . RoundConst . StepTypes . Text , . Argument = BattleScreen . OppPokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " is watching carefully! " }
End If
End If
End Function
Public Shared Function CanSwitch ( ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen , ByVal own As Boolean ) As Boolean
'Abilities: Shadow Tag, Arena Trap, Magnet Pull
'Used Moves + Trapping Moves: Block, Mean Look, Spider Web, Ingrain
'Trapping: Bind, Clamp, Fire Spin, Infestation, Magma Storm, Sand Tomb, Whirlpool, Wrap
If own = True Then
2016-12-12 07:14:21 +01:00
If BattleScreen . OwnPokemon . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted Or BattleScreen . OwnPokemon . HP <= 0 Then
Return True
End If
2017-02-13 19:07:15 +01:00
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If BattleScreen . OwnPokemon . Type1 . Type = Element . Types . Ghost Or BattleScreen . OwnPokemon . Type2 . Type = Element . Types . Ghost Then
Return True
End If
With BattleScreen
If Not . OwnPokemon . Item Is Nothing Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
If . OwnPokemon . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( ) = " shed shell " And . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( True ) = True And . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( True , BattleScreen ) = True Then
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
Return True
End If
End If
End With
2017-02-13 19:07:15 +01:00
If BattleScreen . IsRemoteBattle AndAlso BattleScreen . IsPVPBattle AndAlso Not BattleScreen . IsHost Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . ClientCanSwitch = False Then
Return False
End If
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If BattleScreen . OppPokemon . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " shadow tag " And BattleScreen . OwnPokemon . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " shadow tag " And BattleScreen . OppPokemon . HP > 0 Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Return False
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnTrappedCounter > 0 Then
Return False
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If BattleScreen . OppPokemon . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " arena trap " And BattleScreen . OppPokemon . HP > 0 And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . IsGrounded ( True , BattleScreen ) = True Then
Return False
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If BattleScreen . OppPokemon . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " magnet pull " And BattleScreen . OwnPokemon . IsType ( Element . Types . Steel ) = True And BattleScreen . OppPokemon . HP > 0 Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Return False
End If
With BattleScreen . FieldEffects
2016-09-21 02:39:55 +02:00
If . OwnWrap > 0 Or . OwnBind > 0 Or . OwnClamp > 0 Or . OwnFireSpin > 0 Or . OwnMagmaStorm > 0 Or . OwnSandTomb > 0 Or . OwnWhirlpool > 0 Or . OwnInfestation > 0 Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Return False
End If
End With
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnIngrain > 0 Then
Return False
End If
2016-12-12 07:14:21 +01:00
If BattleScreen . OppPokemon . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Fainted Or BattleScreen . OppPokemon . HP <= 0 Then
Return True
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If BattleScreen . OppPokemon . Type1 . Type = Element . Types . Ghost Or BattleScreen . OppPokemon . Type2 . Type = Element . Types . Ghost Then
Return True
End If
With BattleScreen
If Not . OppPokemon . Item Is Nothing Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
If . OppPokemon . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( ) = " shed shell " And . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( False ) = True And . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( False , BattleScreen ) = True Then
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
Return True
End If
End If
End With
If BattleScreen . OwnPokemon . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " shadow tag " And BattleScreen . OppPokemon . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " shadow tag " And BattleScreen . OwnPokemon . HP > 0 Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Return False
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTrappedCounter > 0 Then
Return False
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If BattleScreen . OwnPokemon . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " arena trap " And BattleScreen . OwnPokemon . HP > 0 And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . IsGrounded ( False , BattleScreen ) = True Then
Return False
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If BattleScreen . OwnPokemon . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " magnet pull " And BattleScreen . OppPokemon . IsType ( Element . Types . Steel ) = True And BattleScreen . OwnPokemon . HP > 0 Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Return False
End If
With BattleScreen . FieldEffects
2016-09-21 02:39:55 +02:00
If . OppWrap > 0 Or . OppBind > 0 Or . OppClamp > 0 Or . OppFireSpin > 0 Or . OppMagmaStorm > 0 Or . OppSandTomb > 0 Or . OppWhirlpool > 0 Or . OppInfestation > 0 Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Return False
End If
End With
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppIngrain > 0 Then
Return False
End If
End If
Return True
End Function
2018-03-12 07:58:10 +01:00
Public Shared Function CalculateDamage ( ByVal Attack As Attack , ByVal Critical As Boolean , ByVal Own As Boolean , ByVal targetPokemon As Boolean , ByVal BattleScreen As BattleScreen , Optional ByVal ExtraParameter As String = " " ) As Integer
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim p As Pokemon = Nothing
Dim Op As Pokemon = Nothing
If Own = True Then
p = BattleScreen . OwnPokemon
p = BattleScreen . OppPokemon
End If
If targetPokemon = True Then
Op = BattleScreen . OwnPokemon
Op = BattleScreen . OppPokemon
End If
Dim damage As Integer = 0
Dim Level As Integer = p . Level
Dim BasePower As Integer = 1
Dim HH As Single = 1 . 0F 'Helping hand = 1.5
Dim BP As Single = Attack . GetBasePower ( Own , BattleScreen )
Dim IT As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim CHG As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim MS As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim WS As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim UA As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim FA As Single = 1 . 0F
2016-09-20 18:48:17 +02:00
'IT (Item attack power modifier)
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If Not p . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( Own ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
Select Case p . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Case " muscle band "
If Attack . Category = Attack . Categories . Physical Then
IT = 1 . 1F
End If
Case " wise glasses "
If Attack . Category = Attack . Categories . Special Then
IT = 1 . 1F
End If
Case " adamant orb "
If p . Number = 483 Then
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Dragon Or Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Steel Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
End If
Case " lustrous orb "
If p . Number = 484 Then
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Dragon Or Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Water Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
End If
Case " griseous orb "
If p . Number = 487 Then
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Dragon Or Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Ghost Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
End If
2018-08-17 03:01:08 +02:00
Case " soul dew "
If p . Number = 380 OrElse p . Number = 381 Then
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Dragon Or Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Psychic Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Case Else
IT = 1 . 0F
End Select
Select Case p . Item . ID
Case 98 , 270 'Black Belt, Fist Plate
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fighting Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
Case 102 , 268 'Black Glasses, Dread Plate
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Dark Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
Case 138 , 271 'Charcoal, Flame Plate
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fire Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
Case 144 , 267 'Dragon Fang, Draco Plate
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Dragon Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
2016-09-23 16:24:59 +02:00
Case 125 , 281 , 286 'Hard Stone, Stone Plate, Rock Incense
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Rock Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
Case 108 , 283 'Magnet, Zap Plate
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Electric Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
Case 143 , 274 'Metal Coat, Iron Plate
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Steel Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
2016-09-23 16:24:59 +02:00
Case 117 , 275 , 287 'Miracle Seed, Meadow Plate, Rose Incense
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Grass Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
Case 95 , 145 , 264 , 279 'Mystic Water, Wave Incense, Sea Incense, Splash Plate
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Water Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
Case 107 , 272 'NeverMeltIce, Icicle Plate
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Ice Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
Case 104 , 277 'Pink Bow, Pixie Plate
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fairy Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
Case 81 , 282 'Poison Barb, Toxic Plate
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Poison Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
Case 77 , 278 'Sharp Beak, Sky Plate
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Flying Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
2019-10-01 07:32:04 +02:00
Case 88 , 273 'Silver Powder, Insect Plate
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Bug Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
Case 76 , 269 'Soft Sand, Earth Plate
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Ground Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
Case 113 , 280 'Spell Tag, Spooky Plate
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Ghost Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
Case 96 , 263 , 276 'Twisted Spoon, Odd Incense, Mind Plate
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Psychic Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
2019-10-01 07:32:04 +02:00
Case 90 'Silk Scarf
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Normal Then
IT = 1 . 2F
End If
End Select
Select Case p . Item . ID
Case 635 'Fighting Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fighting Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:fighting gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Fighting Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 644 'Dark Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Dark Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:dark gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Dark Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 630 'Fire Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fire Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:fire gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Fire Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 643 'Dragon Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Dragon Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:dragon gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Dragon Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 641 'Rock Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Rock Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:rock gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Rock Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 632 'Electric Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Electric Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:electric gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Electric Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 645 'Steel Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Steel Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:steel gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Steel Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 633 'Grass Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Grass Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:grass gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Grass Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 631 'Water Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Water Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:water gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Water Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 634 'Ice Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Ice Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:ice gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Ice Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 647 'Fairy Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fairy Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:fairy gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Fairy Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 636 'Poison Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Poison Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:poison gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Poison Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 638 'Flying Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Flying Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:flying gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Flying Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 640 'Bug Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Bug Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:bug gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Bug Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 637 'Ground Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Ground Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:ground gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Ground Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 642 'Ghost Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Ghost Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:ghost gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Ghost Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 639 'Psychic Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Psychic Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:psychic gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Psychic Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case 646 'Normal Gem
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Normal Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Own , Own , BattleScreen , " -1 " , " item:normal gem " ) = True Then
BattleScreen . BattleQuery . Add ( New TextQueryObject ( " The Normal Gem boosted " & p . GetDisplayName ( ) & " 's " & Attack . Name & " ! " ) )
IT = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Select
End If
2016-09-20 18:48:17 +02:00
'CHG (If used Charge)
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim lastMove As Attack = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnLastMove
If Own = False Then
lastMove = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppLastMove
End If
If Not lastMove Is Nothing Then
If lastMove . Name . ToLower ( ) = " charge " And Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Electric Then
CHG = 2 . 0F
End If
End If
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . MudSport > 0 And Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Electric Then
MS = 0 . 5F
End If
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . WaterSport > 0 And Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fire Then
WS = 0 . 5F
End If
2016-09-20 18:48:17 +02:00
'UA (User Ability)
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Select Case p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( )
Case " rivalry "
If p . Gender <> Pokemon . Genders . Genderless And Op . Gender <> Pokemon . Genders . Genderless Then
If p . Gender = Op . Gender Then
UA = 1 . 25F
UA = 0 . 75F
End If
End If
Case " reckless "
If Attack . IsRecoilMove = True Then
UA = 1 . 2F
End If
Case " iron fist "
If Attack . IsPunchingMove = True Then
UA = 1 . 2F
End If
Case " blaze "
If p . HP < CInt ( Math . Floor ( p . MaxHP / 3 ) ) And Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fire Then
UA = 1 . 5F
End If
Case " overgrow "
If p . HP < CInt ( Math . Floor ( p . MaxHP / 3 ) ) And Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Grass Then
UA = 1 . 5F
End If
Case " torrent "
If p . HP < CInt ( Math . Floor ( p . MaxHP / 3 ) ) And Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Water Then
UA = 1 . 5F
End If
Case " swarm "
If p . HP < CInt ( Math . Floor ( p . MaxHP / 3 ) ) And Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Bug Then
UA = 1 . 5F
End If
Case " technician "
If Attack . GetBasePower ( Own , BattleScreen ) <= 60 Then
UA = 1 . 5F
End If
Case " sheer force "
If Attack . HasSecondaryEffect = True Then
UA = 1 . 3F
End If
Case " analytic "
If Own = True Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnTurnCounts < BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTurnCounts Then
UA = 1 . 3F
End If
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnTurnCounts > BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppTurnCounts Then
UA = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case " sand force "
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Sandstorm Then
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Rock Or Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Ground Or Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Steel Then
UA = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
Case " strong jaw "
If Attack . IsJawMove = True Then
UA = 1 . 5F
End If
Case " refrigerate "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Normal Then
2018-08-05 03:40:06 +02:00
UA = 1 . 2F
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
Case " pixilate "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Normal Then
2018-08-05 03:40:06 +02:00
UA = 1 . 2F
End If
Fix audio engine & contentpacks (#35)
* Replaced existing Gen 2 SFX with better sounding ones (no ugly reverb)
Replaced MediaPlayer with NAudio(and NAudio.Vorbis) for playing music in order to fix random stopping issues.
The game now directly loads .ogg files instead of the .wma/.xnb combination from before.
ContentPacks are now able to replace Music and SFX again (I haven't added a menu yet for choosing ContentPacks).
To make older GameModes work with current versions, you can add the GameMode property EnterType and set it to "1", this will make the game use the older 2D NewGameScreen.
* Delete GameController.vb
* Add gamecontroller.vb back
* Fix sfx missing
* Battleintro doodle now doesn't loop anymore (for no trainer)
Changed the shutter sound (aka Large Door sound) to something more large door-y
Made the enter sound slightly louder
The enter sound now plays when going through any warp to or from an indoor map (including falling through holes)
The flying sound effect is played earlier in the animation after selecting a location
Changed played sound effect when using the Escape Rope to "teleport" instead of "destroy"
The bump noise now also plays when bumping into something in first person
Fixed small gap between the end of the intro song and the start of the main song
Replaced some songs with better songs
* Fixed some more intro issues
* Forgot to change a thing
* Fixed an error where the main music would play, ignoring the muted musicmanager.
* fix indenting in musicmanager
* The music player will now only start playback on a new song if the music player is not muted, fixed the end time calculation of the intro of a song after muting, Music can't be unmuted now as long as a sound effect plays that stops the music.
* Fixed league restplace position, fixed sound effects sharing the volume slider of the music, sound effects are now also muted when pressing M, changed music on/off popup to audio on/off, removed bump delay in first person, added more control on whether played songs should be looping or not.
* Fixed some more scripts that turn on thirdperson mode but don't check if it was on before or set it back to what it was before afterwards, also fixed a small error in creditsscreen.vb.
* Fixed indenting error in musicmanager.vb, fixed an error of mine where the loopsong parameter would be seen as the playintro parameter.
* Added more music commands, added quite some menu select noises, will add more later
* More select sound effects!
* Fix music not resuming after soundeffect
* Trainer using item now plays the single_heal soundeffect
* Pokémon cries now sound louder
* Possibly fixing crash when playing Pokémon cry at volume higher than 0.71
* Added better quality Pokémon cries, made random overworld cries slightly less loud, added cries for 719 and 720.
* Sound effects now sound louder
* Revert "Added better quality Pokémon cries, made random overworld cries slightly less loud, added cries for 719 and 720."
This reverts commit 8c9296ed1a82144d17f303a52c3f2e9e65a5bfea.
* Fixed the cause of why the title screen music plays even when the game is muted
* Tabs to spaces
* Revert
Co-authored-by: darkfire006 <blazer257@live.com>
Co-authored-by: JappaWakkaP3D <66885565+JappaWakkaP3D@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: JappaWakkaP3D <jasper.speelman@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Vitaly Mikhailov <personal@aragas.org>
2020-07-09 19:59:42 +02:00
Case " normalize "
2018-08-05 03:40:06 +02:00
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Normal Then
UA = 1 . 2F
End If
Fix audio engine & contentpacks (#35)
* Replaced existing Gen 2 SFX with better sounding ones (no ugly reverb)
Replaced MediaPlayer with NAudio(and NAudio.Vorbis) for playing music in order to fix random stopping issues.
The game now directly loads .ogg files instead of the .wma/.xnb combination from before.
ContentPacks are now able to replace Music and SFX again (I haven't added a menu yet for choosing ContentPacks).
To make older GameModes work with current versions, you can add the GameMode property EnterType and set it to "1", this will make the game use the older 2D NewGameScreen.
* Delete GameController.vb
* Add gamecontroller.vb back
* Fix sfx missing
* Battleintro doodle now doesn't loop anymore (for no trainer)
Changed the shutter sound (aka Large Door sound) to something more large door-y
Made the enter sound slightly louder
The enter sound now plays when going through any warp to or from an indoor map (including falling through holes)
The flying sound effect is played earlier in the animation after selecting a location
Changed played sound effect when using the Escape Rope to "teleport" instead of "destroy"
The bump noise now also plays when bumping into something in first person
Fixed small gap between the end of the intro song and the start of the main song
Replaced some songs with better songs
* Fixed some more intro issues
* Forgot to change a thing
* Fixed an error where the main music would play, ignoring the muted musicmanager.
* fix indenting in musicmanager
* The music player will now only start playback on a new song if the music player is not muted, fixed the end time calculation of the intro of a song after muting, Music can't be unmuted now as long as a sound effect plays that stops the music.
* Fixed league restplace position, fixed sound effects sharing the volume slider of the music, sound effects are now also muted when pressing M, changed music on/off popup to audio on/off, removed bump delay in first person, added more control on whether played songs should be looping or not.
* Fixed some more scripts that turn on thirdperson mode but don't check if it was on before or set it back to what it was before afterwards, also fixed a small error in creditsscreen.vb.
* Fixed indenting error in musicmanager.vb, fixed an error of mine where the loopsong parameter would be seen as the playintro parameter.
* Added more music commands, added quite some menu select noises, will add more later
* More select sound effects!
* Fix music not resuming after soundeffect
* Trainer using item now plays the single_heal soundeffect
* Pokémon cries now sound louder
* Possibly fixing crash when playing Pokémon cry at volume higher than 0.71
* Added better quality Pokémon cries, made random overworld cries slightly less loud, added cries for 719 and 720.
* Sound effects now sound louder
* Revert "Added better quality Pokémon cries, made random overworld cries slightly less loud, added cries for 719 and 720."
This reverts commit 8c9296ed1a82144d17f303a52c3f2e9e65a5bfea.
* Fixed the cause of why the title screen music plays even when the game is muted
* Tabs to spaces
* Revert
Co-authored-by: darkfire006 <blazer257@live.com>
Co-authored-by: JappaWakkaP3D <66885565+JappaWakkaP3D@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: JappaWakkaP3D <jasper.speelman@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Vitaly Mikhailov <personal@aragas.org>
2020-07-09 19:59:42 +02:00
Case " galvanize "
2018-08-05 03:40:06 +02:00
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Normal Then
UA = 1 . 2F
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
Case " aerilate "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Normal Then
2018-08-05 03:40:06 +02:00
UA = 1 . 2F
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
Case " mega launcher "
If Attack . IsPulseMove = True Then
UA = 1 . 5F
End If
Case " tough claws "
If Attack . MakesContact = True Then
UA = 1 . 3F
End If
Case " dark aura "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Dark Then
UA = 1 . 3F
End If
Case " fairy aura "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fairy Then
UA = 1 . 3F
End If
2018-03-12 07:58:10 +01:00
Case " parental bond "
If ExtraParameter = " parental bond " Then
UA = 0 . 25
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Case Else
UA = 1 . 0F
End Select
2016-10-18 09:16:14 +02:00
2016-09-20 18:48:17 +02:00
'FA (Foe ability)
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Select Case Op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( )
Case " thick fat "
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseAbility ( Not Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fire Or Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Ice Then
FA = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " heatproof "
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseAbility ( Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fire Then
FA = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " dry skin "
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseAbility ( Not Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fire Then
FA = 1 . 25F
End If
End If
Case " multiscale "
If Op . HP = Op . MaxHP Then
FA = 0 . 5F
End If
Case " dark aura "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Dark Then
FA = 1 . 3F
End If
Case " fairy aura "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fairy Then
FA = 1 . 3F
End If
Case Else
FA = 1 . 0F
End Select
BasePower = CInt ( Math . Floor ( HH * BP * IT * CHG * MS * WS * UA * FA ) )
Dim Atk As Integer = 1
Dim AStat As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim ASM As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim AM As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim IM As Single = 1 . 0F
If Attack . Category = Attack . Categories . Physical Then
2016-09-13 08:59:43 +02:00
If Attack . ID = 492 Then
AStat = Attack . GetUseAttackStat ( Op ) 'When the move is Foul Play
ASM = GetMultiplierFromStat ( Op . StatAttack )
AStat = Attack . GetUseAttackStat ( p )
ASM = GetMultiplierFromStat ( p . StatAttack )
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseAbility ( Not Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If Op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " unaware " Then
ASM = 1 . 0F
End If
End If
Select Case p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( )
Case " pure power "
AM = 2 . 0F
Case " huge power "
AM = 2 . 0F
Case " flower gift "
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseAbility ( Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Sunny Then
AM = 1 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " guts "
2016-09-14 10:45:34 +02:00
If p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Paralyzed Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Poison Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Burn Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Sleep Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . BadPoison Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
AM = 1 . 5F
End If
Case " hustle "
AM = 1 . 5F
Case " slow start "
If Own = True Then
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnPokemonTurns < 5 Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
AM = 0 . 5F
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppPokemonTurns < 5 Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
AM = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " toxic boost "
2016-09-14 10:45:34 +02:00
If p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Poison Or p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . BadPoison Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
AM = 1 . 5F
End If
Case " defeatist "
If p . HP <= CInt ( p . MaxHP / 2 ) Then
AM = 0 . 5F
End If
Case Else
AM = 1 . 0F
End Select
If Not p . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( Own ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
Select Case p . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Case " choice band "
IM = 1 . 5F
Case " light ball "
If p . Number = 25 Then
IM = 2 . 0F
End If
Case " thick club "
If p . Number = 104 Or p . Number = 105 Then
IM = 2 . 0F
End If
Case Else
IM = 1 . 0F
End Select
End If
ElseIf Attack . Category = Attack . Categories . Special Then
AStat = Attack . GetUseAttackStat ( p )
ASM = GetMultiplierFromStat ( p . StatSpAttack )
If Op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " unaware " Then
ASM = 1 . 0F
End If
Select Case p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( )
Case " plus "
AM = 1 . 0F
Case " minus "
AM = 1 . 0F
Case " solar power "
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Sunny Then
AM = 1 . 5F
End If
Case " flare boost "
If Op . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Burn Then
AM = 1 . 5F
End If
Case " defeatist "
If p . HP <= CInt ( p . MaxHP / 2 ) Then
AM = 0 . 5F
End If
Case Else
AM = 1 . 0F
End Select
If Not p . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( Own ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
Select Case p . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Case " choice specs "
IM = 1 . 5F
Case " light ball "
If p . Number = 25 Then
IM = 2 . 0F
End If
Case " deepseatooth "
If p . Number = 366 Then
IM = 2 . 0F
End If
Case " metronome "
Dim lastAttack As Attack = Nothing
If Own = False Then
If Not BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppLastMove Is Nothing Then
lastAttack = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppLastMove
End If
If Not BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnLastMove Is Nothing Then
lastAttack = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnLastMove
End If
End If
If Not lastAttack Is Nothing Then
If lastAttack . ID = Attack . ID Then
Dim multi As Integer = 1
If Own = True Then
BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnMetronomeItemCount += 1
multi = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnMetronomeItemCount
BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppMetronomeItemCount += 1
multi = BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppMetronomeItemCount
End If
multi = multi . Clamp ( 1 , 10 )
IM = 1 . 0F + CSng ( multi / 10 )
If Own = True Then
BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnMetronomeItemCount = 0
BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppMetronomeItemCount = 0
End If
IM = 1 . 0F
End If
If Own = True Then
BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnMetronomeItemCount = 0
BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppMetronomeItemCount = 0
End If
IM = 1 . 0F
End If
Case Else
IM = 1 . 0F
End Select
End If
End If
2016-10-18 09:16:14 +02:00
2016-09-17 23:53:48 +02:00
'Critical hit interaction with attack stat change
If ASM < 1 . 0F AndAlso Critical = True Then
ASM = 1 . 0F
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Atk = CInt ( Math . Floor ( AStat * ASM * AM * IM ) )
Dim Def As Integer = 1
Dim DStat As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim DSM As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim SX As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim DMod As Single = 1 . 0F
2018-10-26 10:03:33 +02:00
If Attack . Category = Attack . Categories . Physical OrElse Attack . ID = 473 OrElse Attack . ID = 540 OrElse Attack . ID = 548 Then 'Psyshock, Psystrike and Secret Sword.
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
DStat = Attack . GetUseDefenseStat ( Op )
DSM = GetMultiplierFromStat ( Op . StatDefense )
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " unaware " Then
DSM = 1 . 0F
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If Attack . Name . ToLower ( ) = " self-destruct " Or Attack . Name . ToLower ( ) = " explosion " Then
2016-12-27 09:30:10 +01:00
SX = 1 . 0F
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
If Not Op . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( Not Own ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( Not Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
Select Case Op . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Case " metal powder "
If Op . Number = 132 Then
DMod = 1 . 5F
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
Case " eviolite "
If Op . IsFullyEvolved = False Then
DMod = 1 . 5F
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Select
End If
If Op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " marvel scale " Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseAbility ( Not Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If Op . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Paralyzed Or Op . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Poison Or Op . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Burn Or Op . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Sleep Or Op . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Freeze Then
DMod = 1 . 5F
End If
End If
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If Op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " fur coat " And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseAbility ( Not Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
DMod = 2 . 0F
End If
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . GrassyTerrain > 0 And Op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " grass pelt " And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseAbility ( Not Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
DMod = 1 . 5F
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
ElseIf Attack . Category = Attack . Categories . Special Then
DStat = Attack . GetUseDefenseStat ( Op )
DSM = GetMultiplierFromStat ( Op . StatSpDefense )
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " unaware " Or Attack . UseOppDefense = False Then
DSM = 1 . 0F
End If
If Op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " flower gift " Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Sunny Then
DMod = 1 . 5F
End If
End If
If Not Op . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( Not Own ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( Not Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
Select Case Op . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Case " metal powder "
If Op . Number = 132 Then
DMod = 1 . 5F
End If
Case " deepseascale "
2016-12-30 01:11:14 +01:00
If Op . Number = 366 Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
DMod = 2 . 0F
End If
2016-10-31 02:50:07 +01:00
Case " assault vest "
DMod = 1 . 5F
Case " eviolite "
2016-12-30 01:11:14 +01:00
If Op . IsFullyEvolved = False Then
2016-10-31 02:50:07 +01:00
DMod = 1 . 5F
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Select
End If
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Sandstorm Then
If Op . Type1 . Type = Element . Types . Rock Or Op . Type2 . Type = Element . Types . Rock Then
DMod = 1 . 5F
End If
End If
End If
2016-10-18 09:16:14 +02:00
2016-09-17 23:53:48 +02:00
If DSM > 1 . 0F AndAlso Critical = True Then
DSM = 1 . 0F
End If
2016-10-18 09:16:14 +02:00
2016-09-17 23:53:48 +02:00
'Sacred Sword ignores defense stat changes
If Attack . ID = 533 Then
DSM = 1 . 0F
End If
2016-10-18 09:16:14 +02:00
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Def = CInt ( Math . Floor ( DStat * DSM * DMod * SX ) )
If Def <= 0 Then
Def = 1
End If
Dim Mod1 As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim BRN As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim RL As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim TVT As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim SR As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim FF As Single = 1 . 0F
If Attack . Category = Attack . Categories . Physical Then
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " guts " And p . Status = Pokemon . StatusProblems . Burn Then
BRN = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Dim CritSwap As Boolean = False
If Core . Random . Next ( 0 , 3 ) = 0 And Critical = True Then
CritSwap = True
End If
If CritSwap = False Then
If Attack . Category = Attack . Categories . Physical Then
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " infiltrator " Then
If Own = True Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppReflect > 0 Then
RL = 0 . 5F
End If
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnReflect > 0 Then
RL = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
End If
ElseIf Attack . Category = Attack . Categories . Special Then
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) <> " infiltrator " Then
If Own = True Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppLightScreen > 0 Then
RL = 0 . 5F
End If
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnLightScreen > 0 Then
RL = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Select Case Attack . Type . Type
Case Element . Types . Fire
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Sunny Then
SR = 1 . 5F
ElseIf BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Rain Then
SR = 0 . 5F
End If
Case Element . Types . Water
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Sunny Then
SR = 0 . 5F
ElseIf BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Rain Then
SR = 1 . 5F
End If
Case Element . Types . Ice
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . Weather = BattleWeather . WeatherTypes . Snow Then
SR = 1 . 5F
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
Case Element . Types . Electric
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . ElectricTerrain > 0 And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . IsGrounded ( Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
2022-12-20 23:58:57 +01:00
SR = 1 . 3F
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
End If
Case Element . Types . Grass
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . GrassyTerrain > 0 And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . IsGrounded ( Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
2022-12-20 23:58:57 +01:00
SR = 1 . 3F
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
End If
Case Element . Types . Psychic
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . PsychicTerrain > 0 And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . IsGrounded ( Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
2022-12-20 23:58:57 +01:00
SR = 1 . 3F
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Select
2020-04-19 07:20:42 +02:00
'If p.Ability.Name.ToLower() = "flash fire" Then
' If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.CanUseAbility(Own, BattleScreen) = True Then
' If Own = True Then
' If Not BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove Is Nothing Then
' If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OppLastMove.Type.Type = Element.Types.Fire And Attack.Type.Type = Element.Types.Fire Then
' FF = 1.5F
' End If
' End If
' Else
' If Not BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove Is Nothing Then
' If BattleScreen.FieldEffects.OwnLastMove.Type.Type = Element.Types.Fire And Attack.Type.Type = Element.Types.Fire Then
' FF = 1.5F
' End If
' End If
' End If
' End If
'End If
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fire Then
If Own = True Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OwnFlashFire = 1 Then
FF = 1 . 5F
End If
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . OppFlashFire = 1 Then
FF = 1 . 5F
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
End If
End If
Mod1 = BRN * RL * TVT * SR * FF
2016-09-14 07:23:06 +02:00
Dim CH As Single = 1 . 0F
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If Critical = True Then
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " sniper " Then
2016-09-14 07:23:06 +02:00
CH = 2 . 25
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
2016-09-14 07:23:06 +02:00
CH = 1 . 5
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
End If
Dim Mod2 As Single = 1 . 0F
If Not p . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( Own ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
If p . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( ) = " life orb " Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Mod2 = 1 . 3F
End If
End If
If Attack . Name . ToLower ( ) = " me first " Then
Mod2 = 1 . 5F
End If
Dim R As Integer = Core . Random . Next ( 85 , 101 )
If R = 0 Then
R = 1
End If
Dim STAB As Single = 1 . 0F
If Attack . CanGainSTAB = True Then
If Attack . Type . Type = p . Type1 . Type Or Attack . Type . Type = p . Type2 . Type Then
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " adaptability " Then
STAB = 2 . 0F
STAB = 1 . 5F
End If
End If
End If
Dim Mod3 As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim SRF As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim EB As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim TL As Single = 1 . 0F
Dim TRB As Single = 1 . 0F
2016-12-23 19:48:32 +01:00
Dim effectiveness As Single = CalculateEffectiveness ( Attack , BattleScreen , p , Op , Own )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
2016-12-23 19:48:32 +01:00
If effectiveness > 1 . 0F Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If Op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " solid rock " Or Op . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " filter " Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseAbility ( Not Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
SRF = 0 . 75F
End If
End If
If Not p . Item Is Nothing And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( Own ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
If p . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( ) = " expert belt " Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
EB = 1 . 2F
End If
End If
If Not Op . Item Is Nothing Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( Not Own ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( Not Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
Select Case Op . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Case " occa "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fire Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Occa Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:occa " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " passho "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Water Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Passho Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:passho " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " wacan "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Electric Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Wacan Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:wacan " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " rindo "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Grass Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Rindo Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:rindo " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " yache "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Ice Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Yache Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:yache " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " chople "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fighting Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Chople Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:chople " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " kebia "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Poison Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Kebia Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:kebia " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " shuca "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Ground Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Shuca Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:shuca " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " coba "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Flying Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Coba Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:coba " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " payapa "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Psychic Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Payapa Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:payapa " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " tanga "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Bug Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Tanga Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:tanga " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " charti "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Rock Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Charti Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:charti " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " kasib "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Ghost Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Kasib Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:kasib " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " haban "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Dragon Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Haban Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:haban " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " colbur "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Dark Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Colbur Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:corlbur " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
Case " babiri "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Steel Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Babiri Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:babiri " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
Case " roseli "
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Fairy Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Roseli Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:roseli " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Select
End If
End If
End If
If Not Op . Item Is Nothing Then
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseItem ( Not Own ) = True And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseOwnItem ( Not Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
2023-01-02 15:27:59 +01:00
If Op . Item . OriginalName . ToLower ( ) = " chilan " Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Normal Then
If BattleScreen . Battle . RemoveHeldItem ( Not Own , Not Own , BattleScreen , " The Chilan Berry weakened the effect of " & Attack . Name & " on " & Op . GetDisplayName ( ) & " ! " , " berry:chilan " ) = True Then
TRB = 0 . 5F
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
2016-12-23 19:48:32 +01:00
If effectiveness < 1 . 0F Then
2016-12-17 21:43:34 +01:00
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " tinted lens " Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
TL = 2 . 0F
End If
End If
Mod3 = SRF * EB * TL * TRB
2016-12-23 19:48:32 +01:00
damage = CInt ( Math . Floor ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Level * 2 / 5 ) + 2 ) * BasePower * Atk / 50 ) / Def ) * Mod1 ) + 2 ) * CH * Mod2 * R / 100 ) * STAB * effectiveness * Mod3 ) )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If p . Ability . Name . ToLower ( ) = " multiscale " And p . HP = p . MaxHP And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . CanUseAbility ( Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
damage = CInt ( damage / 2 )
End If
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . MistyTerrain > 0 And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . IsGrounded ( Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
If Attack . Type . Type = Element . Types . Dragon Then
damage = CInt ( damage / 2 )
End If
End If
If BattleScreen . FieldEffects . GrassyTerrain > 0 And BattleScreen . FieldEffects . IsGrounded ( Own , BattleScreen ) = True Then
'Earthquake, Bulldoze, Magnitude
If Attack . ID = 89 Or Attack . ID = 523 Or Attack . ID = 222 Then
damage = CInt ( damage / 2 )
End If
End If
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If Attack . IsOneHitKOMove = True Then
damage = Op . HP
End If
If damage <= 0 Then
damage = 1
End If
Return damage
End Function
Public Shared Function ReverseTypeEffectiveness ( ByVal effectiveness As Single ) As Single
If BattleScreen . IsInverseBattle = True Then
Select Case effectiveness
Case 0 . 5F , 0 . 0F
Return 2 . 0F
Case 1 . 0F
Return 1 . 0F
Case 2 . 0F
Return 0 . 5F
End Select
Return 1 . 0F
Return effectiveness
End If
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Calculates the usable multiplier from a stat reduction/raise.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="StatValue">The relative stat reduction/raise of the stat.</param>
Public Shared Function GetMultiplierFromStat ( ByVal StatValue As Integer ) As Single
Select Case StatValue
Case - 6
Return CSng ( 2 / 8 )
Case - 5
Return CSng ( 2 / 7 )
Case - 4
Return CSng ( 2 / 6 )
Case - 3
Return CSng ( 2 / 5 )
Case - 2
Return CSng ( 2 / 4 )
Case - 1
Return CSng ( 2 / 3 )
Case 0
Return CSng ( 2 / 2 )
Case 1
Return CSng ( 3 / 2 )
Case 2
Return CSng ( 4 / 2 )
Case 3
Return CSng ( 5 / 2 )
Case 4
Return CSng ( 6 / 2 )
Case 5
Return CSng ( 7 / 2 )
Case 6
Return CSng ( 8 / 2 )
Case Else
Return 1 . 0F
End Select
End Function
2016-10-18 09:16:14 +02:00
2016-09-18 00:30:33 +02:00
Public Shared Function GetMultiplierFromAccEvasion ( ByVal StatValue As Integer ) As Single
Select Case StatValue
Case - 6
Return CSng ( 3 / 9 )
Case - 5
Return CSng ( 3 / 8 )
Case - 4
Return CSng ( 3 / 7 )
Case - 3
Return CSng ( 3 / 6 )
Case - 2
Return CSng ( 3 / 5 )
Case - 1
Return CSng ( 3 / 4 )
Case 0
Return CSng ( 3 / 3 )
Case 1
Return CSng ( 4 / 3 )
Case 2
Return CSng ( 5 / 3 )
Case 3
Return CSng ( 6 / 3 )
Case 4
Return CSng ( 7 / 3 )
Case 5
Return CSng ( 8 / 3 )
Case 6
Return CSng ( 9 / 3 )
Case Else
Return 1 . 0F
End Select
End Function
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Class
2016-09-10 09:26:22 +02:00
End Namespace