If the Pokémon specified in the PartyIndex argument is an egg, it hatches immediately
PartyIndex (int) - Index of a Pokémon in the player's party. Values can range from 0-5.
CanRename (bool) - Optional. Whether the player can rename the Pokémon or not after it hatches.
Message (str) - Optional. The message to display after the Pokémon hatches.
0.1 meter in blender is now equivalent to 1/16th of a P3D unit or 1 pixel on a 16 pixels wide/tall texture. Mt Silver will need to be updated to match this scale, making the ModelEntity obsolete.
Also added Snorlax battle model
Added @player.stopmovement before waterfall scripts to make sure the player doesn't move further than they should
Fixed spelling error in code: NotifcationTypes -> NotificationTypes
Added commands to ScriptLibrary that were missing
Instead of
Day = 0
Night = 1
Morning = 2
Evening = 3
it is now
Night = 0
Morning = 1
Day = 2
Evening = 3
this also affects the @environment.setdaytimeI(int) commands which have the same order but increased with 1
The following commands has been replaced by @overworldpokemon.hide:
* @pokemon.hide
* @player.hidepokemonfollow
The following command has been replaced by
* @player.showpokemonfollow
and the following unused command is now replaced by @overworldpokemon.toggle:
* @player.togglepokemonfollow
* Changed the DayTime enum name to DayTimes for consistency with other enums like Seasons
* Changing the EnvironmentType or WeatherType will now not reset back to the default when Reloading a map with the R key (Warping or loading a different map normally does reset those properties)
* @level.setdaytime(int) is now @environment.setdaytime(int), which sets the DayTime permanently across maps. Setting the daytime to any other value than 1 2 3 or 4 will reset the daytime to the default one
* Added command @player.setskin(name) which will permanently change the player's skin, unlike @player.wearskin(name) which only changes the skin temporarily.
* <entity.rotation(int)> returns the direction in which an entity is facing
* <level.environmenttype> returns the environmenttype of a level/map
* Added some missing constructs to the ScriptLibrary