This doesn't make it much better but allows to build a package
libicinga-vendor-php placing those files to /usr/share/php/IcingaVendor
or similar.
refs #4075
A module loaded manually could also exist in the list of enabled
modules if a configuration is given and a module with the same name
has been enabled. This used to confuse documentation.
...enabled nor installed by passing their base directory. In favour
of this parameter I dropped the possibility to inject a Module class
for testing purposes. There is no such test and I see no point in
doing so.
refs #6411
This used to work fine as long as you didn't try to interfere from
outside to influence the cli loader. The instance returned by
cliLoader() was not the same as used internally once dispatching the
CLI command.
refs #6411
This fixes the problem that CLI scripts or other applications without
an application directory would badly fail because of missing web forms.
refs #6411
Drop external auth configuration from config.ini and move
implementation into a single backend provider named
'autologin'. This provider can strip realm names from
username with a custom regexp.
Our user backends log exceptions thrown during authentication but they don't throw
a exception to inform the caller that an error occured. The new `AuthenticationException'
class should be thrown in that case.
Users don't read READMEs or documentation, they'll
just fire 'vagrant up'. Vagrant already checks the
Virtualbox version itself, but for the Vagrant version
no checks exist. Vagrant 1.4 provides a method 'require_version'
which is pretty useless for older versions, like on Debian
Wheezy (1.0.3). So we'll ship our own version comparison.
Instead of having two separate functions to get the prefix
and the formatted time interval the new functions return
both the prefix and the time interval.
refs #5981
'icingacli module list' gave "There is no module installed" instead
of "There is no enabled module". Fixed this, the former message is
still shown when doing 'icingacli module list installed'.
PHP respects locales (LC_NUMERIC) when casting floats to string. That
affected the generated HTML for our inline pie charts. This patch is
not that beautiful - but fixes this.
IDO version is cached in a session namespace. This fails where you
are using multiple IDO backends with different versions. We still have
no backend-specific base class where we could handle this, so for now
I continue to do so in the IdoQuery.
This patch creates one namespace per Host/dbname combination.