update to https://www.scintilla.org/scintilla532.zip with:
Released 6 December 2022.
Add SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL to change text without causing unchanged prefix and suffix to be marked as modified in change history.
Draw background colour for EOL annotations with standard and boxed visuals.
Add SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXTFULL to support 64-bit document positions on Win32 replacing SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT which is not safe for huge documents. Feature #1455.
Send SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED for SCI_AUTOCSHOW triggering insertion because of SCI_AUTOCSETCHOOSESINGLE mode. Feature #1459.
Change 'paragraph up' commands SCI_PARAUP and SCI_PARAUPEXTEND to go to the start position of the paragraph containing the caret. Only if the caret is already at the start of the paragraph will it go to the start of the previous paragraph. Bug #2363.
Change release compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang.
On Win32, avoid blurry display with DirectWrite in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344.
On Win32, use the top-level window to find the monitor for DirectWrite rendering parameters. Temporarily switch DPI awareness to find correct monitor in GDI scaling mode. Bug #2344.
On Qt, allow string form XPM images for SCI_REGISTERIMAGE.
and https://www.scintilla.org/lexilla521.zip with
Released 6 December 2022.
Update to Unicode 14. Feature #1461.
Change default compilation optimization option to favour speed over space. -O2 for MSVC and -O3 for gcc and clang.
Batch: Fix comments starting inside strings. Issue #115.
F#: Lex signed numeric literals more accurately. Issue #110, Issue #111.
F#: Add specifiers for 64-bit integer and floating point literals. Issue #112.
Markdown: Stop styling numbers at line start in PRECHAR style. Issue #117.
PowerShell: Recognise numeric literals more accurately. Issue #118.
Implement support for Win32 Namespace prefixed file name in Notepad++.
(Ref: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file#win32-file-namespaces)
Support the Win32-filenames escaped by \\?\ or \\?\UNC\, possible globbing in filenames (\\?\C:\fil?.txt) and shell links (\\?\C:\file.txt.lnk) included.
Unsupported (temporarily - it needs further patches for Notepad++):
- any raw filename with length exceeding the MAX_PATH.
- any nonstandard Windows OS filename: with 'dot' or 'space' char(s) at the name end, WinOS reserved ones: AUX, CON, PRN, NUL, COM1-9, LPT1-9 and the ones with invalid ASCII chars in it (0-31, <, >, | , ").
Fix#12453, close#12613
This commit uses the same mechanism (8e85110b5e) for organization of macro menu:
Add attribute `FolderName="sub-menu name"` in "Command" node to have the sub-menu.
This fixes users reported inconsistency in between the usual Notepad++ exit initiated manually by a user and the Windows OS forced one in case that the Notepad++ backup mode is ON.
Fix 2nd part of the #12541Close#12600
Use tabContextMenu_example.xml for the customization:
1. rename to tabContextMenu.xml
2. modify it
3. copy it beside notepad++.exe or to %APPDATA%\Notepad++\ according to your Notepad++ conf
4. relaunch Notepad++
Note for the localization:
1. You have to use the newest localization file (or modify your existing localization file with the newest english.xml).
2. The customized sub-menu entry cannot be translated. User can use his/her native language as value of attribute "FolderName" in tabContextMenu.xml file.
3. User can always add any command beyond the default commands in tabContextMenu.xml file. But such command won't be translated.
Fix#12170, close#12576
Now if the Notepad++ will have an unsaved data and is still running at the OS restart/shutdown, there will be one universal messagebox "Windows session is about to be terminated but you have some data unsaved. Do you want to exit Notepad++ now?".
When Notepad++ backup mode is ON, answer:
- YES ... Notepad++ simply quits (Notepad++ backup engine silently handles all the stuff needed)
- NO ... Notepad++ stays running, user is on his/her own
When Notepad++ backup mode is OFF, answer:
- YES ... Notepad++ behaves identically as in the case of the usual Notepad++ IDM_FILE_EXIT or WM_CLOSE messages (save dlgs appears etc., it depends on the current user Notepad++ settings)
- NO ... Notepad++ stays running, user is on his/her own
Fix v847
1. Add "Follow Windows dark/light mode".
2. Remember user's toolbar, tabbar and theme choices for dark mode and light mode separately.
3. Add 2 hidden options for applying tab background color from themes (for both dark mode and light mode).
Fix#9183, fix#9992, fix#10153, fix#10239, fix#10544, fix#10644, fix#11867, fix#10239, close#12466
This fixes both the long standing problem with the emptying of the session.xml file by forced Windows Update restart/shutdown and some potential Notepad++ crashes caused by possible main Notepad++ window blocking at exit.
Two main changes to the original design:
- WM_QUERYENDSESSION is not used anymore for the tidy-up ops and it always quickly returns TRUE/FALSE to the system as it should.
- there is now a safe-guard flag for the session.xml saving at N++ exit, which prevents otherwise possible incorrect overwriting in case of multiple "endsession" messages.
Fix#9850, fix#12389, close#12388
Add translations for these commits:
* Make large file limit (for styling) configurable (8ff003412a)
* Add tooltips in performance section to make features more explicit (c02c23b7d4)
* Enhance Large File Restriction UI (6755daf223)
* Add "Allow clickable link" option in large file restriction (cd6a6ac3bb)
1. Rename some labels to be more explicit.
2. Add a tooltip for "Deactivate Word Wrap globally".
3. Unchecking "Enable Large File Restriction" removes the sub-restrictions.
Background: because styling large file can cause the performance issue, 200 MB (and bigger) file is not applied to its language (if any) while loading.
This PR makes large file restriction for styling and for other features (smart highlighting, brace match, etc...) configurable via the section Performance of Preferences dialog.
Fix#11389, fix#12260, fix#11670, close#12310