* Changed the DayTime enum name to DayTimes for consistency with other enums like Seasons
* Changing the EnvironmentType or WeatherType will now not reset back to the default when Reloading a map with the R key (Warping or loading a different map normally does reset those properties)
* @level.setdaytime(int) is now @environment.setdaytime(int), which sets the DayTime permanently across maps. Setting the daytime to any other value than 1 2 3 or 4 will reset the daytime to the default one
* Added command @player.setskin(name) which will permanently change the player's skin, unlike @player.wearskin(name) which only changes the skin temporarily.
* Skin genders in the new game intro now grab the correct localization string
* Badges rotate around the center of their texture's width and height, which fixes the bug where the badges would rotate off-center when the texture resolution was different.
* The selected button background color in the GameMode selection screen is now light and the unselected buttons are dark instead of the other way around.
The title box is now dynamic in width so the name of the contentpack can be larger.
The information box under that is now properly aligned and has a more pleasant size to match the new font.
* <entity.rotation(int)> returns the direction in which an entity is facing
* <level.environmenttype> returns the environmenttype of a level/map
* Added some missing constructs to the ScriptLibrary
* Fixed crash when trying to play an intro of a battle song that wasn't an ogg
* Fixed crash when trying to resume the music after using the command @music.stop
BUG: If you go to the contentpack options menu in the main menu, then exit out of it and start the a save file, the ingame options menu still displays the contentpack menu
* Gave enabled Content Packs better feedback by making the text green if it's enabled
* Removed the "enabled" suffix from enabled Content Packs
* Changed the "enabled:no/yes" text in the Content Pack menu to "Enable" when the selected Pack is disabled and "Disable" when the selected Pack is enabled
* Fixed mouse clicks registering in a different location on the Content Packs menu
When clicking any button on the row above the options submenu while the options submenu is opened, I made it close the submenu and move to that button.
* Added visual keypress feedback when pressing a commandbutton. The key will revert back to it's regular look when the mouse/keyboard/controller button is released.
* Fixed the jump when moving the cursor in the options menu from a slider to a button and vice versa.
* added an "apply" button to the main menu's option menus
* Made the "back" buttons in the main menu's option menus not apply the changes.
* Made the language change when you scroll through the languages. Tokens in other languages need to be updated!