Makes the specified item index of the specified map spawn again after it has been found.
LevelPath (str) - Path to the map file (including .dat) relative to "Content\Maps\"
ItemIndex (int) - Index of the ItemObject on the map (first argument in the object's AdditionalValue)
@pokemon.select has an extra argument. If it is set to an attack ID, it will be visible which Pokémon can learn that move while selecting.
Added @Pokemon.CanLearnAttack(PartyIndex,AttackID)
Returns if the Pokémon can learn the specified move.
RoamerID & ScriptPath are new.
* RoamerID (int) = A required identifier for the roaming Pokémon, can be used in scripts.
* ScriptPath (str) = Path to a script file to execute after every encounter with any roaming Pokémon
Sets the Ride Type of the current map.
Possible values for "int": 0 = Depends on CanDig and CanFly tags, 1 = Can ride, 2 = Can not ride, 3 = Can't stop riding once started
Makes a Pokémon in the player's party use the field move Ride. If the argument is left empty, the first Pokémon who knows Ride gets selected.
pokeIndex (int) [optional, defaults to -1] = the party index of a Pokémon
Returns a string of every move the Pokémon can learn at or below a certain level
* Index (int) = Index of a Pokémon in the player's party
* MaxLevel (int) [optional] = Every move the Pokémon can learn at or below the level specified by this argument is added to the string. When this argument is left out or set to "-1", it will default to the Pokémon's current level.
index = Index of the Pokémon in the player's party
status = the desired status to give the Pokémon (possible values: "brn", "frz", "prz", "psn", "bpsn", "slp", "fnt")
Executes a script file after something happened (like having moved a certain amount of steps)
Clears the register created with @script.delay, preventing the script from being executed.
Returns a different thing depending on what you write for ReturnType:
"type" - returns what kind of trigger the script delay uses (only "steps" atm)
"script" - returns the script that will be executed after the delay ended
"value" - returns when the trigger ends, like how many steps are left for example
Executes a script file after having moved the given amount of steps.
Clears the register created with @Player.SetScriptSteps, preventing the script from being executed.
Returns the amount of steps before the script as defined by @Player.SetScriptSteps is executed.
Changes the currently playing music to a new one and prevents the music from being changed by warps or surfing/riding and such.
Allows warps and surfing/riding etc. to change the music again.
Opens an item select screen with only the specified item type pages (separated with ";", e.g. "0;1;2" or "standard;medicine;plants") and possible item IDs (single items separated with ";", or with a "-" if you want a range, e.g. "2000-2066"
Both variables are optional. If AllowedPages is empty, all pages are allowed. If AllowItems is empty, all items are allowed.
Returns the ID of the item selected in the screen opened by @item.select(AllowedPages,AllowedItems)
This command temporarily sets the "EnvironmentType" parameter of the current map until a map change, which also changes the sky texture and sometimes adds particles. Value can be 0-5.
0 = Outside
1 = Inside
2 = Cave
3 = Dark (also makes all entities darker)
4 = Underwater (adds air bubble particles)
5= Forest
Added @player.stopmovement before waterfall scripts to make sure the player doesn't move further than they should
Fixed spelling error in code: NotifcationTypes -> NotificationTypes
Added commands to ScriptLibrary that were missing
The following commands has been replaced by @overworldpokemon.hide:
* @pokemon.hide
* @player.hidepokemonfollow
The following command has been replaced by @overworldpokemon.show:
* @player.showpokemonfollow
and the following unused command is now replaced by @overworldpokemon.toggle:
* @player.togglepokemonfollow
* Changed the DayTime enum name to DayTimes for consistency with other enums like Seasons
* Changing the EnvironmentType or WeatherType will now not reset back to the default when Reloading a map with the R key (Warping or loading a different map normally does reset those properties)
* @level.setdaytime(int) is now @environment.setdaytime(int), which sets the DayTime permanently across maps. Setting the daytime to any other value than 1 2 3 or 4 will reset the daytime to the default one
* Added command @player.setskin(name) which will permanently change the player's skin, unlike @player.wearskin(name) which only changes the skin temporarily.
* <entity.rotation(int)> returns the direction in which an entity is facing
* <level.environmenttype> returns the environmenttype of a level/map
* Added some missing constructs to the ScriptLibrary
- You can now run up and down a slideblock.
- NPC movement type Straight is now less random and more smooth.
- When renaming the rival, the skin visible at the top changes to whatever skin is set as the rivalskin. This way, the rival is not stuck with one skin. This can be useful when the rival's skin changes based on the player's gender for example.
- Text messages that contain <token.tokenname>, where tokenname is a string from the localizations files, have the part between the <> replaced with that string now.
- Text messages that contain <button.buttonname>, where buttonname is one of the controls defined in "Saves\Keyboard.dat", will now have the part between the <> replaced with the key assigned to that control.
- Players can now be genderless instead of only either male or female in scripts.
- Which skins are available in the intro is now defined in the GameMode's definition file instead of being hard-coded
- Old New Game intro now uses the player skin data from the GameMode definition file
- The Pokémon in the old New Game now doesn't fall too far down anymore
- Scripts adjusted to match the new gender functionality
Map Property "Lightning" renamed to "Lighting" (bulk replaced all occurences in the maps)
Map Property "EnviromentType" renamed to "EnvironmentType" (bulk replaced all occurences in the maps)
Replaced the skydomes, sun, moon and stars and updated the lighting to be less dark at times of day other than day itself.
* Replaced existing Gen 2 SFX with better sounding ones (no ugly reverb)
Replaced MediaPlayer with NAudio(and NAudio.Vorbis) for playing music in order to fix random stopping issues.
The game now directly loads .ogg files instead of the .wma/.xnb combination from before.
ContentPacks are now able to replace Music and SFX again (I haven't added a menu yet for choosing ContentPacks).
To make older GameModes work with current versions, you can add the GameMode property EnterType and set it to "1", this will make the game use the older 2D NewGameScreen.
* Delete GameController.vb
* Add gamecontroller.vb back
* Fix sfx missing
* Battleintro doodle now doesn't loop anymore (for no trainer)
Changed the shutter sound (aka Large Door sound) to something more large door-y
Made the enter sound slightly louder
The enter sound now plays when going through any warp to or from an indoor map (including falling through holes)
The flying sound effect is played earlier in the animation after selecting a location
Changed played sound effect when using the Escape Rope to "teleport" instead of "destroy"
The bump noise now also plays when bumping into something in first person
Fixed small gap between the end of the intro song and the start of the main song
Replaced some songs with better songs
* Fixed some more intro issues
* Forgot to change a thing
* Fixed an error where the main music would play, ignoring the muted musicmanager.
* fix indenting in musicmanager
* The music player will now only start playback on a new song if the music player is not muted, fixed the end time calculation of the intro of a song after muting, Music can't be unmuted now as long as a sound effect plays that stops the music.
* Fixed league restplace position, fixed sound effects sharing the volume slider of the music, sound effects are now also muted when pressing M, changed music on/off popup to audio on/off, removed bump delay in first person, added more control on whether played songs should be looping or not.
* Fixed some more scripts that turn on thirdperson mode but don't check if it was on before or set it back to what it was before afterwards, also fixed a small error in creditsscreen.vb.
* Fixed indenting error in musicmanager.vb, fixed an error of mine where the loopsong parameter would be seen as the playintro parameter.
* Added more music commands, added quite some menu select noises, will add more later
* More select sound effects!
* Fix music not resuming after soundeffect
* Trainer using item now plays the single_heal soundeffect
* Pokémon cries now sound louder
* Possibly fixing crash when playing Pokémon cry at volume higher than 0.71
* Added better quality Pokémon cries, made random overworld cries slightly less loud, added cries for 719 and 720.
* Sound effects now sound louder
* Revert "Added better quality Pokémon cries, made random overworld cries slightly less loud, added cries for 719 and 720."
This reverts commit 8c9296ed1a.
* Fixed the cause of why the title screen music plays even when the game is muted
* Tabs to spaces
* Revert
Co-authored-by: darkfire006 <blazer257@live.com>
Co-authored-by: JappaWakkaP3D <66885565+JappaWakkaP3D@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: JappaWakkaP3D <jasper.speelman@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Vitaly Mikhailov <personal@aragas.org>