PokeID [str] = the Pokémon ID: number (e.g. 19) + optionally Data File Suffix (e.g. 19_alola) or AdditionalValue (201;0)
EntryType [int] = the type that the entry needs to be set to: 0 (undiscovered), 1 (seen), 2 (seen + caught) or 3 (seen + caught + shiny)
ForceChange [bool] = if this is set to true, the game doesn't check whether the Pokédex entry is lower than EntryType before setting it
This command levels a Pokémon up by the amount of levels (integer) specified in LevelAmount.
If a Pokémon could learn one or more moves on any of the levels between its original level and its level after the command, the command will allow the player to teach each of those moves.
Changes the currently playing music to a new one and prevents the music from being changed by warps or surfing/riding and such.
Allows warps and surfing/riding etc. to change the music again.
@screen.trade(storeData {itemID,amount,price}{...},canBuy [bool],canSell [bool],currencyIndicator [str],shopIdentifier [str])
shopIdentifier is the value to register to (e.g. if the shopIdentifier = apple then it will register apple_110 if you bought item 110 (pearl) from that shop)
Opens an item select screen with only the specified item type pages (separated with ";", e.g. "0;1;2" or "standard;medicine;plants") and possible item IDs (single items separated with ";", or with a "-" if you want a range, e.g. "2000-2066"
Both variables are optional. If AllowedPages is empty, all pages are allowed. If AllowItems is empty, all items are allowed.
Returns the ID of the item selected in the screen opened by @item.select(AllowedPages,AllowedItems)
Improved implementation of quiting Voltorb Flip minigame
Properly implemented max amount of coins you can win
Implemented command to start a Voltorb Flip minigame including adding won coins to the coin case afterward
This command temporarily sets the "EnvironmentType" parameter of the current map until a map change, which also changes the sky texture and sometimes adds particles. Value can be 0-5.
0 = Outside
1 = Inside
2 = Cave
3 = Dark (also makes all entities darker)
4 = Underwater (adds air bubble particles)
5= Forest
"@player.preventmovement" Makes the player unable to move, while still keeping control over the menu, interactions etc.
"@player.allowmovement" Gives the player back their ability to move.
If the Pokémon specified in the PartyIndex argument is an egg, it hatches immediately
PartyIndex (int) - Index of a Pokémon in the player's party. Values can range from 0-5.
CanRename (bool) - Optional. Whether the player can rename the Pokémon or not after it hatches.
Message (str) - Optional. The message to display after the Pokémon hatches.
Added @player.stopmovement before waterfall scripts to make sure the player doesn't move further than they should
Fixed spelling error in code: NotifcationTypes -> NotificationTypes
Added commands to ScriptLibrary that were missing
The following commands has been replaced by @overworldpokemon.hide:
* @pokemon.hide
* @player.hidepokemonfollow
The following command has been replaced by @overworldpokemon.show:
* @player.showpokemonfollow
and the following unused command is now replaced by @overworldpokemon.toggle:
* @player.togglepokemonfollow
* Changed the DayTime enum name to DayTimes for consistency with other enums like Seasons
* Changing the EnvironmentType or WeatherType will now not reset back to the default when Reloading a map with the R key (Warping or loading a different map normally does reset those properties)
* @level.setdaytime(int) is now @environment.setdaytime(int), which sets the DayTime permanently across maps. Setting the daytime to any other value than 1 2 3 or 4 will reset the daytime to the default one
* Added command @player.setskin(name) which will permanently change the player's skin, unlike @player.wearskin(name) which only changes the skin temporarily.
* <entity.rotation(int)> returns the direction in which an entity is facing
* <level.environmenttype> returns the environmenttype of a level/map
* Added some missing constructs to the ScriptLibrary
To show an image like with @screen.showpokemon but one that's not necessarily the texture of a Pokémon, like the fossils at Pewter City, which I've also added textures for. Arguments in the title of this commit between brackets are optional.
Fixed music playing errors
[Added Songs]
Mom (as there wasn't any music for when the mom gives you the pokégear)
PVP_Intro (PVP music didn't have an intro before and I also replaced PVP with a better sounding version)
[Added Sounds]
Emote_Exclamation (can be used when using the ! emote for NPCs)
Receive_HM (the game checks if the name of the item that was received contains "HM", if so, this sound is played instead of the regular item receive sound)