Makes the specified item index of the specified map spawn again after it has been found.
LevelPath (str) - Path to the map file (including .dat) relative to "Content\Maps\"
ItemIndex (int) - Index of the ItemObject on the map (first argument in the object's AdditionalValue)
@pokemon.select has an extra argument. If it is set to an attack ID, it will be visible which Pokémon can learn that move while selecting.
Added @Pokemon.CanLearnAttack(PartyIndex,AttackID)
Returns if the Pokémon can learn the specified move.
RoamerID & ScriptPath are new.
* RoamerID (int) = A required identifier for the roaming Pokémon, can be used in scripts.
* ScriptPath (str) = Path to a script file to execute after every encounter with any roaming Pokémon
Sets the Ride Type of the current map.
Possible values for "int": 0 = Depends on CanDig and CanFly tags, 1 = Can ride, 2 = Can not ride, 3 = Can't stop riding once started
Makes a Pokémon in the player's party use the field move Ride. If the argument is left empty, the first Pokémon who knows Ride gets selected.
pokeIndex (int) [optional, defaults to -1] = the party index of a Pokémon
Returns a string of every move the Pokémon can learn at or below a certain level
* Index (int) = Index of a Pokémon in the player's party
* MaxLevel (int) [optional] = Every move the Pokémon can learn at or below the level specified by this argument is added to the string. When this argument is left out or set to "-1", it will default to the Pokémon's current level.
index = Index of the Pokémon in the player's party
status = the desired status to give the Pokémon (possible values: "brn", "frz", "prz", "psn", "bpsn", "slp", "fnt")