Fixed PlayerSkins displaying incorrectly in the new intro.
Fixed position of Pause Menu text.
Songs don't fade in by default now except with the @musicplayer.playfade(songname) command
You can now also close the Options row in the Main Menu with the "Up" or "Move Forward" keys
Improved the timing of the Battle intro screens
Renamed Badge_Aquired to Receive_Badge for consistency
Made it possible for Pokémon, NPCs and players to use textures that have 2 frames (1 - 2 - 1 - 2), 3 frames (1 - 2 - 1 - 3) or even 4 frames (1 - 2 - 3 - 4) with the numbers between the brackets being the order of the frames
- All default pokémon overworld sprites are now 2 frames wide
- Removed an error in the old NewGame intro
- Pokémon don't animate unless moving or when in battle
- You can now run up and down a slideblock.
- NPC movement type Straight is now less random and more smooth.
- When renaming the rival, the skin visible at the top changes to whatever skin is set as the rivalskin. This way, the rival is not stuck with one skin. This can be useful when the rival's skin changes based on the player's gender for example.
- Text messages that contain <token.tokenname>, where tokenname is a string from the localizations files, have the part between the <> replaced with that string now.
- Text messages that contain <button.buttonname>, where buttonname is one of the controls defined in "Saves\Keyboard.dat", will now have the part between the <> replaced with the key assigned to that control.
- Players can now be genderless instead of only either male or female in scripts.
- Which skins are available in the intro is now defined in the GameMode's definition file instead of being hard-coded
- Old New Game intro now uses the player skin data from the GameMode definition file
- The Pokémon in the old New Game now doesn't fall too far down anymore
- Scripts adjusted to match the new gender functionality
whenever you scroll (or press up/down) on the buttons at the bottom, the select sound plays (with a delay so you can't spam it) so the player knows it does something
I also renamed Up and Down to Move Up and Move Down to avoid confusion
Fixed the issue where when you press a key to go to the main menu while the splash/logo screen was fading in, it would freeze halfway through the fade and you'd have a main menu with a darker background than it should be. Now when you press a key, it just skips the fade before switching the screen to the mainmenu
Fixed a crash when moving to the content pack button in the main menu options row while having no savegames.
Fixed the options pointer changing position when resizing the game window.
The options row buttons in the Main Menu now open their respective tab in the Options Menu when selected
The Content Pack Menu is positioned correctly
The Content Pack & Language Menus now fade in and out
When selecting the Options button at the Main Menu, the top row moves up, revealing the Options row beneath it
When selecting the Options button at the Main Menu, the options row fades in now
The Options row now has the right amount of selectable buttons (4, not 5)
When selecting the Options button at the Main Menu, the top row doesn't reset position now
The distance between Options buttons is now the same as the top row
It is now possible to move the camera in third person with the arrow keys when the savegame is in Sandbox Mode to make mapping easier for people who don't wanna build the source code
- New Bark Town (barktown.dat)
-- Fixed glitching trees
-- Added windows to side of prof. elm's lab
-- Improved roof textures
- Elm's Lab (elmlab.dat)
-- Added window to the wall on the left for consistency
- Your Room (yourroom.dat)
-- Made the walls only show the texture when looking at them from the front
-- Improved bed and tables
Updated & Recolored Interior Textures:
- House
- Lab
Updated & Recolored Exterior Textures:
- Violet
- BarkTown
Walls updated (only visible when viewed from the front)
Mom is on a stool now (ideal NPC Y position for these stools = 0.115), updated the momdoor.dat script to make her get up and off the chair
Improved TV, Sink/Tap, Stove, Fridge and Kitchen wall textures & models
The Y Position of an NPC when moving is now a Single (instead of an integer), allowing for NPCs to climb on and off chairs without their Y Position being rounded down.