* Fixed an issue with GameMode Items in battles
* Updated the example files for GameMode Items and GameMode Moves
* Maybe fixed something audio volume related
* Made it possible to disable the reduction of PP using the DeductPP (bool) property for GameModeMoves
* Added the new functions "SetTrigger" and "RemoveTrigger" for GameModeMoves:
Function "SetTrigger" checks if a Pokémon does or does not have a certain Status and prevents functions after it from executing if the Pokémon does not have the desired Status.
The function is formatted like this: Function|SetTrigger,Target,Triggers
* "Target" determines which Pokémon's Status is checked and has to be either 0 or 1 (0 = check own Pokémon, 1 = check opponent's Pokémon)
* "Triggers" determines the status effect(s) that should or should not be on the target Pokémon. You can add multiple possible status effects to check for by separating them with a semicolon (;), the values can be: "burn", "freeze", "paralyze", "poison", "badpoison", "anypoison", "sleep", "noburn", "nofreeze", "noparalyze", "nopoison", "nobadpoison", "nopoison", "nosleep"
Function "RemoveTrigger" removes such a trigger so that functions after it are executed
@screen.trade(storeData {itemID,amount,price}{...},canBuy [bool],canSell [bool],currencyIndicator [str],shopIdentifier [str])
shopIdentifier is the value to register to (e.g. if the shopIdentifier = apple then it will register apple_110 if you bought item 110 (pearl) from that shop)
Opens an item select screen with only the specified item type pages (separated with ";", e.g. "0;1;2" or "standard;medicine;plants") and possible item IDs (single items separated with ";", or with a "-" if you want a range, e.g. "2000-2066"
Both variables are optional. If AllowedPages is empty, all pages are allowed. If AllowItems is empty, all items are allowed.
Returns the ID of the item selected in the screen opened by @item.select(AllowedPages,AllowedItems)
Improved implementation of quiting Voltorb Flip minigame
Properly implemented max amount of coins you can win
Implemented command to start a Voltorb Flip minigame including adding won coins to the coin case afterward
I think... if I've done everything I did so far correctly, I should have a level 1 grid of tiles, it's just not visible yet and you can't interact with it in any way, so I have no idea if it actually does what I want it to do yet XD