* Positions and rotation origins of Pokémon icons improved in Party Screen
* Pokémon in Main Menu now display their correct form (e.g. Unown showing the correct letter)
* Properly scaled and positioned text and item icons
* Replaced Minifont with Mainfont
* Made switching tabs in the PSS menu more clear and controlable with the mouse
* Changed the DayTime enum name to DayTimes for consistency with other enums like Seasons
* Changing the EnvironmentType or WeatherType will now not reset back to the default when Reloading a map with the R key (Warping or loading a different map normally does reset those properties)
* @level.setdaytime(int) is now @environment.setdaytime(int), which sets the DayTime permanently across maps. Setting the daytime to any other value than 1 2 3 or 4 will reset the daytime to the default one
* Added command @player.setskin(name) which will permanently change the player's skin, unlike @player.wearskin(name) which only changes the skin temporarily.
* Skin genders in the new game intro now grab the correct localization string
* Badges rotate around the center of their texture's width and height, which fixes the bug where the badges would rotate off-center when the texture resolution was different.
* The selected button background color in the GameMode selection screen is now light and the unselected buttons are dark instead of the other way around.
The title box is now dynamic in width so the name of the contentpack can be larger.
The information box under that is now properly aligned and has a more pleasant size to match the new font.
* Fixed camera angle not changing to the Pokémon when status effects are doing something
* Fixed softlock when opponent trainer switches Pokémon
* (Hopefully) fixed initial positioning errors with spawned BattleAnimation entities related to BattleFlip functionality
* Removed the now unneccessary BattleFlip checks in the move animation of Growl
* Improved Ember move animation (fireball speed & flame delay)
* Improved Poison Sting move animation by making the stinger smaller, increasing the speed of the stinger and making it use a flipped version of the texture when the opponent uses the move
* Improved Poisoned status effect animation by making it 1 bubble for regular poison and 3 bubbles for toxic
* Repositioned the flame of the Burned status effect animation
* Trainers now display a message when sending out their Pokémon (I removed that before)
* Fixed Party Screen not appearing immediately after the player's Pokémon fainted and also made the player unable to exit the Party Screen when that happens.
* Fixed the incorrectly scaled font sizes and text alignment in the selection menu that appears when selecting a Pokémon in the Party screen
* Replaced minifont in the Pokémon level up stats box with InGameFont and fixed the offsets
* Fixed the error I made in the ceiling map code of Violet City's gym
* Removed the file MoveAnimationQueryObject.vb because AnimationQueryObject.vb also includes Move Animations
* Fixed the textbox in battles where an empty rectangle would appear before the animation finished.
* When a trainer spots the player and an exclamation mark bubble pops up above their head, a sound is played (Emote_Exclamation)
* In trainer battles, the player's Pokémon now also plays their cry.
Fixed buggy throwing animation of the opponent trainer
Fixed a bug related to the trainer sprite in the vs trainer intro that made the trainer texture buggy if it wasn't 32x32
BUG: If you go to the contentpack options menu in the main menu, then exit out of it and start the a save file, the ingame options menu still displays the contentpack menu
* Improved timing BlockIn & BlockOut BattleIntro animations
* Removed player ball throw animations at the start of the battle for battles that are not pvp
* Fixed absorb animation
* Improved the faint animation and removed the unnecessary camera angle changes when a pokémon faints
* Gave enabled Content Packs better feedback by making the text green if it's enabled
* Removed the "enabled" suffix from enabled Content Packs
* Changed the "enabled:no/yes" text in the Content Pack menu to "Enable" when the selected Pack is disabled and "Disable" when the selected Pack is enabled
* Fixed mouse clicks registering in a different location on the Content Packs menu
When clicking any button on the row above the options submenu while the options submenu is opened, I made it close the submenu and move to that button.
* Added visual keypress feedback when pressing a commandbutton. The key will revert back to it's regular look when the mouse/keyboard/controller button is released.
* Fixed the jump when moving the cursor in the options menu from a slider to a button and vice versa.
* added an "apply" button to the main menu's option menus
* Made the "back" buttons in the main menu's option menus not apply the changes.
* Made the language change when you scroll through the languages. Tokens in other languages need to be updated!
I've updated Poison Sting, through which I realized I hadn't taken some usage cases into consideration, so the system should be more robust and useful now
I've also updated the animation for Switching In your own Pokémon
and I've added an animation for when the Pokémon breaks out of the ball when you're trying to catch it
To show an image like with @screen.showpokemon but one that's not necessarily the texture of a Pokémon, like the fossils at Pewter City, which I've also added textures for. Arguments in the title of this commit between brackets are optional.
* Fix for GameJolt Profile not loading automatically
* Hopefully fixed GameJolt Profile's description box having the wrong color sometimes
* Hopefully fixed GameJolt Profile gender buttons having the wrong position.
* Made the description box in the GameMode selection menu expand vertically but not horizontally
* Removed the broken automatic position and scale adjustments at lower resolutions