Add translation texts for these commits:
* Fix data loss issue due to no room on disk for saving (e30ee85)
* Fix Wrong Categories in Shortcuts Mapper (39001d7)
* Make auto-checking of Find InSelection configurable (OFF or resizable) (591b00e)
* Dark mode tweaks and unicode size support for InSelection configurable size (b3179b5)
Set value to 0 to disable auto-checking "In Selection" checkbox in Find dialog.
Set any value to define the length of selected characters to auto-check "In Selection" checkbox in Find dialog.
The default and maximum value is 1024.
Fix#14108, fix#13677, fix#12639, close#14175
- update `stylers.model.xml` to have the 41 styles supported by LexPerl
- update `themes\DarkModeDefault.xml` to have the 41 styles supported by LexPerl
Fix #14192, close#14193
- update `autoCompletion\perl.xml` to auto-complete on the new keywords/built-in-functions/pragmas
- update `langs.model.xml` to syntax-highlight on the new keywords/built-in-functions/pragmas
Update scintilla with
Release 5.3.7
Released 22 September 2023.
For GTK on macOS, fix popup window behaviour by setting type hints. Bug #2401.
For GTK, fix assertion failure on some systems when an INDIC_SQUIGGLEPIXMAP drawn for a zero-width character.
For Qt, allow parent window to handle context menu events by setting as ignored. Bug #2395.
For Qt, fix potential crash when using IME with large amount of text selected.
For Windows, fix building with non-English environment. Bug #2400.
and lexilla
Release 5.2.7
Released 22 September 2023.
Fix building on Windows with non-English environment. Pull request #200.
Bash: fix line continuation for comments and when multiple backslashes at line end. Issue #195.
Bash: treat += as operator and, inside arithmetic expressions, treat ++ and -- as operators. Issue #197.
Bash: improve backslash handling inside backquoted command substitution and fix $ at end of backtick expression. Issue #194.
Bash: treat words that are similar to numbers but invalid wholly as identifiers. Issue #199.
Bash: consistently handle '-' options at line start and after '|' as identifiers. Issue #202.
Bash: handle '-' options differently in [ single ] and [[ double ]] bracket constructs. Issue #203.
F#: improve speed of folding long lines. Issue #198.
HTML: fix invalid entity at line end and terminate invalid entity before invalid character. Issue #192.
Fix#13991, fix#14062, close#14173
It will allow for the Notepad++ to be a "restartable app", like some other SW can do today (eg Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or all the Microsoft UWP apps).
This is to create a seamless experience wherein, if you have to reboot your PC, you can now pick back up from where you left off and resume being productive.
The OS app-restart feature needs at least Windows 10 (20H1) and the user has to switch on the "Restart apps" in the system Settings (subsection Accounts > Sign-in options).
Implemented as per previous discussion:
To disable this feature, add "noRestartAutomatically.xml" into "%APPDATA%\Notepad++\" or Notepad++ installation directory.
Fix#9722, fix#11721, fix#11934, close#14074
With VS 2022 17.7 this error appears
Z:\DevStudio\Work\notepad-plus-plus\PowerEditor\src\WinControls\Preference\preferenceDlg.cpp(3374): error C26819: Unannotated fallthrough between switch labels (es.78). [Z:\DevStudio\Work\notepad-plus-plus\PowerEditor\\notepadPlus.vcxproj]
Add translation texts for these commits:
* Fix menu Tools contains 2 SHA-256 item while using localization (5b52386)
* Add SHA-512 hash features (4ffd897)
* [xml] Add missing entries in english.xml for SHA-1/SHA-512 (d7aee68)
* Add change history navgation commands (d9b9868)
* Fix inaccurate find/replace in files result while using invalid regexp (e7f7c31)
* Remove "Temporary doc site:" from localization files (c143a4a)
update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.6 (
Released 26 July 2023.
Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486.
On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382.
On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333.
On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300.
On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret.
On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK.
and Lexilla Release 5.2.6 (
Released 26 July 2023.
Include empty word list names in value returned by DescribeWordListSets and SCI_DESCRIBEKEYWORDSETS. Issue #175, Pull request #176.
Bash: style here-doc end delimiters as SCE_SH_HERE_DELIM instead of SCE_SH_HERE_Q. Issue #177.
Bash: allow '$' as last character in string. Issue #180, Pull request #181.
Bash: fix state after expansion. Highlight all numeric and file test operators. Don't highlight dash in long option as operator. Issue #182, Pull request #183.
Bash: strict checking of special parameters ($*, $@, $$, ...) with property lexer.bash.special.parameter to specify valid parameters. Issue #184, Pull request #186.
Bash: recognize keyword before redirection operators (< and >). Issue #188, Pull request #189.
Errorlist: recognize Bash diagnostic messages.
HTML: allow ASP block to terminate inside line comment. Issue #185.
HTML: fix folding with JSP/ASP.NET <%-- comment. Issue #191.
HTML: fix incremental styling of multi-line ASP.NET directive. Issue #191.
Matlab: improve arguments blocks. Add support for multiple arguments blocks. Prevent "arguments" from being keyword in function declaration line. Fix semicolon handling. Pull request #179.
Visual Prolog: add support for embedded syntax with SCE_VISUALPROLOG_EMBEDDED and SCE_VISUALPROLOG_PLACEHOLDER.
Styling of string literals changed with no differentiation between literals with quotes and those that are prefixed with "@". Quote characters are in a separate style (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING_QUOTE) to contents (SCE_VISUALPROLOG_STRING).
Fix#13901, fix#13911, fix#13943, close#13940
Also change open/save "Last Used Directory" behaviour - on last changed directory changed in open/save dialog dialog instead on pressing OK.
Fix #13914, close#13918
Currently we cannot accept e.g. the "\\?\C:\file.", but when someone tries to open the standard variant 'C:\file.', we should accept that, as this is the way how to work with filenames without an extension.
Fixes#12849, close#13888
One had to click on the Tools -> MD5 -> Generate from files... twice for showing up the dialog (only for the first time, next time it was ok).
Caused by the previous 'Add SHA-512 hash features' commit.
Currently, there is a bug in notepad++'s add extension feature only for Korean input after it was changed to hooking-based in the commit below.
Attempting to save via Enter appends the last character to the extension.
Candidate mode is similar, with more varied issues depending on IME.
the hooking function is executed before the Hangul composition is completed and the last character is added after the extension.
Same for Candidate mode.
It is almost impossible to fix issue 2 while maintaining the current Enter hooking
Exiting Candidate Mode can be done by pressing Enter, ESC, number key, or clicking on a candidate character, but there is too much code to cover all of these cases.
In addition, the Windows input framework is fragmented into IMM and TSF, and various IMEs have different implementations, so it is almost impossible to determine the state of Candidate or Hangul composition through IME hooking.
I have seen differences in the events fired by different Windows versions and different IME programs for the same IME behavior.
This PR solves problem 1 and partially solves problem 2 by not saving with Enter when in Hangul mode.
Fix#11582, fix#12225, fix#12366, close#13788
Use reference instead of copy for the sorting result.
Also improve lines sorting performance slightly: Sorting a 200 MB text file takes 13.71 seconds instead of 14.63 seconds.
Fix#10435, close#13852
Enables the folding capabilities of Lexilla's Assembly lexer by:
- adding the currently [unused keyword groups], `Directives4Foldstart` and `Directives4Foldend`;
b5e2e9d737/lexilla/lexers/LexAsm.cxx (L101-L109)
- adding some fold-trigger keywords to the new `Directives4Foldstart` and `Directives4Foldend` groups, and *duplicating* them in the existing `Directives` group, following [these instructions].
- activating a *selection* of the lexer's [optional folding properties]. Since `fold.asm.comment.explicit` is not likely to be popular, the default delimiters `;{` and `;}` are permanent, and `fold.asm.explicit.anywhere` is *not* turned on. Users who want different options can always use [Python Script] to set them dynamically.
There are plenty of *more* candidate keywords than what I've added, but I'm not very familiar with [Microsoft's macro assembler].
Fix#13758, fix#9888, close#13762
Update translations for these commits:
* GUI Enhancement: User Define dlgs (052626c)
* Make all the localization files pretty printed (3c15ff5)
* GUI Enhancement: Plugins Admin dialog (4e0f504)
* GUI enhancement: Find in Finder dialog (af8b339)
* GUI Enhancement: General & Editing sections in Preferences dialog (a1d7db8)
* GUI Enhancement: About, Debug, Save dialogs (1806b89)
* Add "open new blank document in addition on startup" ability (61503a2)
To test fix, try making file
and recording macro of find/replace form searching for f, then running until EOF.
This does not break any existing behavior, including:
- macros where the cursor moves towards EOF but line num doesn't change (those already stopped after one iteration)
- macros where line(s) are deleted with every iteration (even if line number doesn't change, they run until file empty)
- macros where the line number increases with each iteration
- macros where the cursor advances up or down with each iteration but would eventually stop anyway (those end at the correct time)
Fix#13342, close#13587
To enable/disable this feature, go to New Document section of Preferences dialog, and check/uncheck "Always open a new document in addition at startup" checkbox.
Fix#11134, fix#9535, fix#5527, close#13738
When session.xml is written while Notepad++ exit, it'll be load for checking if it's an valid xml file.
If not, then it will be replaced by the old session file (if any).
This commit renames session.xml to session.xml.fail2Load so in case of the situation user can provide session.xml.fail2Load to devs for analyzing.
Ref #13694Close#13741
update to Scinitlla Release 5.3.5 (
Released 31 May 2023.
On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310.
On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923.
On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box.
On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text.
On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME.
and Lexilla Release 5.2.5 (
Released 31 May 2023.
Add CharacterSetArray constructor without setBase initial argument for common case where this is setNone and the initialSet argument completely defines the characters. This shortens and clarifies use of CharacterSetArray.
Bash: implement highlighting inside quoted elements and here-docs. Controlled with properties lexer.bash.styling.inside.string, lexer.bash.styling.inside.backticks, lexer.bash.styling.inside.parameter, and lexer.bash.styling.inside.heredoc. Issue #154, Issue #153, Feature #1033.
Bash: add property lexer.bash.command.substitution to choose how to style command substitutions. 0 → SCE_SH_BACKTICKS; 1 → surrounding "$(" and ")" as operators and contents styled as bash code; 2 → use distinct styles (base style + 64) for contents. Choice (2) is a provisional feature and details may change before it is finalized. Issue #153.
Bash: fix nesting of parameters (SCE_SH_PARAM) like ${var/$sub/"${rep}}"}. Issue #154.
Bash: fix single character special parameters like $? by limiting style. Issue #154.
Bash: treat "$$" as special parameter and end scalars before "$". Issue #154.
Bash: treat "<<" in arithmetic contexts as left bitwise shift operator instead of here-doc. Issue #137.
Batch: style SCE_BAT_AFTER_LABEL used for rest of line after label which is not executed. Issue #148.
F#: Lex interpolated verbatim strings as verbatim. Issue #156.
VB: allow multiline strings when lexer.vb.strings.multiline set. Issue #151.
Correct the logic when inserting external lexer's language into language menu,
while inserting external lexer's language into language menu, also search in submenu if compact language menu is used.
Fix also a similar issue in Preferences dialog when enabling a previously disabled language.
Fix#9516, close#13660
- increase width for some items for translation
- make translation consistent between source and xml files
- reorder items for consistent tab focus
Ref #13627, ref 0cad36d#r108675058
Fix#13657, fix#13676, close#13632
The old explorerContextMenuEntryLocal.ini file is no longer used, and
keeping it here causes confusion with people adding pull requests to
update it.
This removes it, along with the .gitattributes file, since it is no
longer needed with the ini file gone.