There's a security flaw for the un-installation of Notepad++ in Windows Register, the string without quotes:
C:\Program Files\Notepad++\uninstall.exe, whereas it should be "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\uninstall.exe".
The reason is, hacker can create a file called c:\program.exe, then Windows could interpret Files\Notepad++\uninstall.exe as the argument, so the system could run c:\program.exe. Ref:
Fixed by @ozone10:
Fix#10191, fix#6165, close#10369
Add Markdown UDL of dark mode and the ability to apply it:
After dark mode being swiched in, all files with extension .md will be opened by applying Markdown UDL of dark mode.
When light mode is switched back, the default Markdown UDL (of light mode) will be applied to the new opened .md file.
Please note that all .md files opened before switching to new mode, will remain in the previous mode. User has to close and reopen these files to have the right Markdown UDL applied.
Fix#10196, close#10347
1. Toggle toolbar item and view menu item for Document List Panel.
2. Added standard, filledFluent, darkmode->toolbar->(fluent and filledfluent) icons for the Document List Panel toggle.
3. Working shortcut for the Document List Panel under shortcut mapper.
4. Removed show document panel from the preference menu, kept the extension option.
5. Rename "Doc Switcher" to "Document list".
Fix#3526, fix#9015, close#10214
Following these commits:
* Improve link to user manual on questionmark menu (27524e1d4d)
* Add a Save all confirm dialog (80c285ee2d)
* Use current file directory in File Rename dialog (a0472fd7f2)
Use User Defined Language to have function list on Unit-tests.
It could reduce regression happening while the code of boost regex or the related code is changed.
And also make build system be aware of unit-test result.
After installing Notepad++ v8.1 under an user account (with admin privilege), then switch to another user account (with or without admin privilege), launch Notepad++ and turn dark mode on. The dark theme on edit zone won't be applied.
Notepad++ installer copies all theme files in installed directory instead of "%APPDATA%\Notepad++\themes\".
When theme is choosen or modified, it'll be saved in "%APPDATA%\Notepad++\themes\", and the saved theme file will override the original theme in installation directory.
New behaviour of theme:
Any theme selected via Style Configurator will be copied from its installation directory (C:\Program Files\Notepad++\themes\) into "%APPDATA%\Notepad++\themes\".
If the theme exists in "%APPDATA%\Notepad++\themes", the original one in s installation directory (C:\Program Files\Notepad++\themes) will be ignored.
Fix#10076, close#10077
Resolves issue #4401 "Spanish translation: Search dialog items do not fit (translated texts too long)". Now the text fits the search dialog
<Item id="1703" name="&. se ajusta a línea nueva"/>
<Item id="1703" name="&. para nueva línea"/>
Fix#4401, close#9898
As at commit f7a04ca of this repo.
View of shortcuts:
Original: Display all shortcuts in form of `Example(X)`
Now: Display the shortcuts in English word, if any.
i.e. `E&xample`
Originally it is to follow the pattern of Taiwan translation.
However, the previous commit had added a lot of shortcuts.
It is better to adapt new strategy for the UI.
Functions defined at the top of the file or below a class with nothing in between would not show in the Function List.
This changes the function regex to fix this. A small unit test that the old regex won't pass but the new will included.
1. Add default dark theme.
2. Switch to default dark theme when dark mode is enabled considering both situations:
Style Configurator is or ont launched.
Add "Append extension" checkbox to Save As dialog for replacing option "Save dialog file extension filter to *.*" in Preferences dialog.
Fix#9515, close#9732
- added missing unittest for c
- added further function lists for ada, fortran, fortran77, haskell from previous PR of MAPJe71_functionlist_update3
- added simple rust function list
- unittest files from the internet probably no complex ones
- added to installer
Fix#9698, close#3393, close#9727
Follow-up to these commits:
* Add an option to mute all sounds in preferences dialog (6e43ba6ea5)
* Make tab splitter menu and incremental search translatable (35584b379f)
During the installation, GUP localization file will be synchronized with Notepad++ chosen localization.
So updater will show the same installed language of Notepad++ in the dialogs if the language is avalable in GUP.
Follow up to these commits:
* Make find/replace in files progress translatable (d6c941034d)
* Improve option for setting save dialog filter to All Types (d5ad02521e)
* Make 1 section name of Preferences more explicit (e26199ab51)
* Make "Save Folder as Workspace" in Save Session dialog translatable (41c4180b2e)
* Fix spelling inconsistencies
And use modern CustomFileDialog istead of old FileDialog in Notepad++.
In the file dialog, override window procedure for "OK" button and
file name edit box to check for input.
Transform forward slash file name to a Window path after input.
Fix#9374, close#9403
1. Added xml syntax check via python script just for the win32 debug build because there already the functionlist check happens.
2. Fixed an issue found for perl.
Fix#9330, close#9339
Follow-up for these commits:
* Make UI text consistent regarding search results (f5dcfc196a)
Note: Diff of this PR is smaller than the commit above, but it's OK. Japanese translation was already translated correctly.
* Add ellipsis to Rename and Print on tab bar context menu (1961f708c1)
* Add tooltips for Folderas Workspace 3 commands (070630a243)
* Prevent names of untitled tabs from duplication (f75f8b8d40)
* Update English file with missing strings (a7f866b89e)
* Add context menu with "Copy link" ability (d155f0326a)
* Add GUI in preferences dialog for adding URI customized schemes (4b29971168)
* Create new Margin/Border/Edge sub-page in Preferences (053266c706)
* Add an option for displying constant line number width (c9c2d1e376)
* Make "Line" preceding each line number on Search Results translatable (e3455a0f7e)
* Make "total documents number" feature in Window dialog translatable (0546f75a71)
1. Add an option for displying constant line number width in Preferences dialog.
This option set the line number constant width according the total line number in the document (minimun 4 digits).
It ensures no unexpected visual effect while scrolling content vertically.
If the document content is modified and the total number of lines is increased or decreased, more digits will be added or removed according the number of digits in total number of lines.
So plugins may send NPPM_SETLINENUMBERWIDTHMODE message with LINENUMWIDTH_CONSTANT to Notepad++ for avoiding some unexpected visual effect (while scrolling).
The new behaviour of loading function list will be:
1. For the installer package:
Try to load from %APPDATA%\Notepad++\functionList\, if it failed, then load from %PROGRAMFILES%\Notepad++\functionList\.
In this way, users can override function list in %APPDATA%\Notepad++\functionList\ manually. Otherwise, function list won't be empty.
2. For the portable package:
- with doLocalConf.xml : Load always from <Notepad++ Dir>\functionList\
- without doLocalConf.xml : Try to load from %APPDATA%\Notepad++\functionList\, if it failed, then load from <Notepad++ Dir>\functionList\